Could've Said Thank You - Chapter 10

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"Of course, my blossom. Now be on your way. Go find your friends. I have some catching up to do with my own friend here." He put extra emphasis on the word own and smiled down at me.

"I told you to stop calling me that." I was scowling at him now.

"I'll stop calling you that when you consider me anything more than an acquaintance."

"Whatever." I grumbled under my breath and walked off.



The young blonde waltzed off, glancing back and giving the fiery clown a dirty look before turning her head back around and disappearing behind a corner. The only sound to be heard was the soft padding of her now slightly dirty sneakers on clean the airship floor.

The further she got away from Hisoka, the further her mind wandered. Images of her family drifted in and out. She felt as though she was betraying them, stabbing them just as she had stabbed him... Or rather, as she had thrown a dagger at him.

Then, the metallic scent of blood filled her senses as splatters of red shown on the ground. Stepping in a pool of blood, she looked down and began to sink into it as it grew all around her, eventually flooding the room. She took one final breath before she was suffocating in the sickeningly thick substance that oozed into the room from an unknown source. It began to invade her lungs as her life was torn out of her just as the air was torn out of her chest. Her eyes closed.

"Hey are you oka-" Someone began as a loud gasp of air filled the girl's lungs. She began hyperventilating before she finally caught her breath.

"What the hell was that?" She looked up to see Killua's questioning gaze.

"None of your business." He grumbled under his breath in response.

"Abby! Me and Killua were going to explore the ship and were wondering if you wanted to come with us?" Killua's black haired companion asked Abby, hope in his eyes. Just then a voice boomed over the loud speakers.

"All remaining applicants please make your way to the entrance of the airship. The second phase of the exam will now commence." Gon groaned in response.

"Man, I wanted to look around!"

"I'd love to come with Gon. We can look around after we finish the second phase."

"If you pass it." The ivory haired boy next to her taunted, smiling cheekily.

"I could say the same for you. For someone who talks down on me so often, I've yet to see you do anything extraordinary." The blonde rolled her eyes at him.

He shrugged. "A good opponent never reveals what he has up his sleeve."

She simply ignored him and began walking away accompanied by Gon. The two made conversation leaving Killua behind, eye twitching in anger. He couldn't fathom the fact that HE had just been ignored. HIM. He quickly followed after them, preparing to give the girl a piece of his mind. He stopped short when he saw their destination.

Walking down the platform attached to the large airship, Abby could see a vast dry plateau of land with one large crevice in-between. Taking a guess of what was to come, the young girl was immediately filled with anxiety. Heights were not her forte, to put it simply. A crowd began to gather at the edge as many peered down, the blue-eyed girl not being one of them.

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