Game? - Chapter 11

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"I uh- wasn't thinking about anything actually..." she trailed off, slightly embarrassed.

"My point exactly. Are you going to eat that or not?" Killua pointed his index finger to the girl's left where she had set her boiled egg on the ground.

"Oh. No I'm not. You can have it if you'd like." She leaned back and closed her eyes, exhausted from her previous confrontation with her biggest fear; heights. She knew she wouldn't fall asleep, but desired greatly to do so regardless.

"Huh? For real? Did you poison it or something?" He cautiously sniffed the egg and inspected it closely.

"Even if I had, you're immune to it anyways." A deadpan look was thrown his way and he shrugged before taking a bite and walking off. A vain popped in her forehead at his lack of gratitude and manners.

"He could've at least said thank you."

Present time...

All of the remaining applicants now gathered back onto the airship and were left to do as they pleased until they reached the destination of the next phase. Due to the adrenaline rush from earlier, she was left to wander the ship, sleep unlikely to find her anytime in the near future.

Feet silently dragging across the cool floor of the airship, she was drawn towards the captivating view from the windows that surrounded the whole ship. The cities they passed as well as the starry sky comforted the girl. She wasn't afraid of being this high in the air on the airship because it was completely closed in, leaving no open windows or defective areas where she could potentially plummet to her death just as she had seen many applicants do in the last phase.

She walked on, continuing down the hallway in her own blissful world. She was contempt being by herself. It had always been that way. Even when she had her family, they never truly cared or looked out for her. Their only concern was whether or not she completed her missions and grew in strength to eventually succeed them. She scoffed slightly aloud at the thought.

Deep down, a part of her yearned for something more than that. She wanted people to care for as well as people to care for her. She had once loved her younger brother dearly and he had as well, but he too blindly fell into hatred and now loathed the girl for her decisions. Her eyes saddened as she stared at her reflection in the windows, never pausing in her movements of walking. She'd been destined to live a life of solitude from the start, her family had made sure of that. At least, that was what she was led to believe.

Nearing a section filled with benches, she could hear familiar voices as she approached the end of the hallway. Forcibly making her footsteps audible, two heads swiveled in her direction.

"Where'd you come from?" Killua's calculating gaze laid upon her, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Simultaneously, Gon excitedly welcomed the girl, "Abby. Hi! Come join us." He pat the empty spot on the bench next to him and she reluctantly walked over and sat down. The two boys conversed as she laid the side of her face down in her arms, observing each of them.

She noticed Gon was much more enthusiastic when talking. He always held a tone of excitement and was extremely curious about everything. He used wild hand gestures when something peaked his interest or he tried explaining something and added in some sound effects here and there for emphasis. She smiled slightly at this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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