Kawasaki Saki

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There's still more!!!?

Wtf he's on a roll today :3


An uncoordinated punch aimed at my face came forwards with power. The man's form was extremely sloppy, if one were to kick his feet he would fall over. Not to mention his punch was imbalanced so he wouldn't be able to stop his charge.

I dodged his fist and kicked him at the side of his rib.


I punched his nose with enough force to knock him out before spinning to my left then blitzing towards the other thug and punching his liver. The man spit out blood as his body folded inwardly.

"Urghh W-what the fuck, Why is this kid so strong!?"

'I'm not.' Rather than my power it was the momentum from my charge and the fact I hit him in his liver. My strength is nowhere near what I previously had. Though I am thankful that I still have my combat experience.

"Do you both still want to continue?"

"N-No man, we're good..j-just stay the fuck away from us."

"Not so fast. Wallets."

I wasn't about to miss the opportunity to gain some compensation for my trouble. 'Not that it was any trouble anyway.'


"You heard me...wallets. Now."

"Y-Yes, Here!"

'I wonder how i found myself in this situation anyway.'

After leaving Cafe Stile I didn't feel like going home right away, instead I chose to walk around the neighbourhood. It was already 7 so I'd only be able to stay out for two hours max. To avoid any trouble I sent a message to my mother letting her know I would be home late.

「I'll be home a bit late today okay mom.」

「Okay sweetie, don't get into any trouble okay ᡣ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶𐭩 ♡」





Dew was already falling, the crickets chirped loudly and the normally loud and busy streets quieted down a bit. It was still noisy, just less than it was during the morning. Tired office workers waiting at the bus stop and trying their hardest to get home quickly. Some falling asleep on ledges, others bar hopping, clearly drunk yet not ready to stop drinking yet.


I could hear a female's voice screaming out from an alleyway, normally I wouldn't bother to check; however, her voice sounded oddly familiar. As such, my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to see who it was.



I could see a familiar pale blue haired girl in the alleyway. Dressed in an open black dress that had a split opening on the left side going up to her thigh. She was being encircled by two thugs that seemed to back her into a corner.


"Thank you Sajou-kun."

The girl was crying tears of relief as she thanked me over and over, bowing her head while shivering, most likely from the fear she felt.

"I didn't do much, but you're welcome."

"Mm mm" She shook her head as she responded to me.

"If it wasn't for you I don't know what would've h-happened to me."

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