Chapter 2: The Classmates of Youth

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"T...the classroom of...youth?" I whispered, slowly standing up.

"The Overseer? Merveilland?? A land for the suffered ones?! What's going on?"

Words began floating up the blackboard again.

'Calm yourself, child. Let me explain once everyone has arrived.'

"Wait a sec...what do you mean, EVERYONE??" I said, with my mouth wide open.

Just then, I saw blinding rays of light flooding the classroom. The same light that brought me here.

'Ah, you see? Another one has arrived.'

The Overseer was right, someone had arrived. There was a figure in the light, dashing closer and closer to the classroom.

As my eyes started getting used to the brightness, and as the light started fading away, I noticed that the running figure was, just like me, a girl wearing a uniform. I had my hopes up but soon realized that the uniform was not the same as mine. Hers was a white long sleeved shirt with a gray sweater, blue ribbon and navy checkered shirt. She had her straight brown hair in a half up and her eyes were very big.

"Huh?! What?!" The girl screamed, clearly confused. She kept on looking up and down and left and right, trying to process all the information. I grimaced slightly at the sight of this.

Maybe I should tell her to look at the blackboard...? But would that make the situation better...?

The girl suddenly jumped up, and flew both of her hands in the air. She had a fountain pen in her right hand.

"Woah! Was I transferred to a fantasy world made by gods that help struggling people to never give up their dreams and ambitions, so that they will be able to live a brighter future as lively, beautiful adults that are full of life?!?!"

I heard the wind blow outside.

I stared at the girl, my mouth and eyes wide open.

How did she know all of that without looking at the blackboard?

I shook my head and sighed.

Well, the last part sounded a bit weird, though.

At one point, she stopped jumping and stared at the Overseer's explanations.

"Ohhhhh. I didn't notice that there!" The girl beamed.

I could have almost fallen down and hit the floor.

This girl...

Something inside of me made me feel a bit suspicious of the girl. A person that loud and energetic can't be struggling that much, right?

"Seriously...?" I muttered under my breath.

"My bad, my bad. Sorry!" The girl apologized and stuck her tongue out.

I blinked.

"You heard me?" I asked, aghast.

"Yup! I have good ears, I think! Oh I didn't tell you my name, huh?" The girl said and grinned.

"I'm Leana. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm...Yuna." I replied.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! OH MY GOD! What is going on?! OOF." A boy with glasses came flying in the classroom with a die in his hand, and arm stretched out. His blond fluffy hair reminded me of a young dandelion, and with his soft appearance, he looked like he might float away into the sky any second. With his gold rimmed glasses, ash gray knit sweater, and black trousers, and fern green necktie, he really looked like some kind of precious endangered flower.

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