007. Old Bonds

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The gentle hum of airplane engines faded into the background as we landed in Paris, the City of Love! And if we weren't jet lagged out of our minds it would be opening us with open arms.

Stepping off the plane, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. Gosh I need a cigarette, and I don't even smoke.

Callum and I got out of the airport at exactly 9:11 am and checked into the hotel room at 10:17 am. 2 hours before the wedding.

I unpacked the beautiful silky light pink dress that all the bridesmaids were gifted a few days prior, and taking out my hair products. As Callum collapsed onto the mattress. "Do you have to get ready so earlyyy" Callum asks looking up at me. "Early?? We only have, what 2 hours?" I say gasping. "Exactly we can spend 1 hour to just lay here," he says patting the spot in bed next to him. "Come lay with me," he says grinning. "We did that all day yesterday," I reply walking over and kissing his forehead. "Now go start getting ready, I don't want us running late to your sister's wedding!"


Callum and I still get to the wedding a little later than hoped, we decided to take the scenic route and walk to admire all the pretty buildings, but we still make it in time for the "I do's" which is honestly the best part. I meet some of his aunts and uncles who give me compliments and few other relatives like cousins and grandparents, but he tells me I'll meet his parents and sister at the reception, which is where we're on we're on our way too now.

Stepping into the wedding reception was like a fairy tale. Callums sister is definitely living the life right now.

The air was thick with the fragrance of flowers and sweet expensive champagne. The sound of soft music filling the elegant hall. Callum lead my way through the crowd stopping occasionally to greet more family. I underestimated just how big his family was. There were lots Americans but also lots of Brits, and many celebrities who were friends of his sister who was also an actress.

As we kept moving through the crowd, I found myself face to face with Callum's parents. I felt my nerves tingle in the pit of my stomach as I held out my hand to greet them, but their warm smiles instantly put me at ease.

I spoke to his parents for a while, the conversation with his mom lasting longer than his dad, as she told me embarrassing stories of young Callum and flipped through her phone showing me some old baby pictures of him and his sister together. I could tell some stories were embarrassing him as I watched his face heat up a light tint of red, which made me giggle.

As our conversation continued, a shadow fell over us. As I looked up from the chair I was sat in, I saw a rather remarkably beautiful woman. I smiled at her but I watched as Callum looked down at his feet instead of meeting her eyes like me. "Dua!" Callum's mom called out surprised.

"Hi, Mrs Turner" Dua spoke. "Callum you fixed up nicely." she said looking at him, her words dripped with a hint of possessiveness. Then she looked down at me, her gaze turning icy. Her silence while looking at me spoke volume and the whole table became a war of tension.

"What are you doing here hunny," Callums mom finally spoke up, pulling her in for a hug. "I couldn't be caught dead missing the wedding of a dead friend!" Dua replied sweetly. "A friend?" Callum said sarcastically. Tension filled the small table once more, and I watched as he stood and began walking over to the drinks.

I was about to get up and follow him, but I was stopped when Dua spoke up again. "You must be Elsie." "Uhh yes, I am, nice to meet you" I respond in a smile, somewhat hoping I can fix whatever beef or tension she has with me, but she didn't smile back, she just looked me up and down and then averted her gaze back to Callum's mother. 

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙡 // Callum TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now