010. Back To The Books

383 18 1

Song for this chapter : Night Shift — Lucy Dacus

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock, and dreaded the fact that today I'd have to go back to work. I rolled my eyes frustrated and climbed out of bed, heading straight into the bathroom to get ready. It sucks to say this but I haven't gotten a goods night rest since the last time Callum was in my bed with me.




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elsie.smith - missed you guys 📚

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Real Life

As I stepped into the familiar embrace of the bookshop, I couldn't help but feel at home. But as soon as I returned to my job of restocking shelves that I could once do with ease, I found it hard. Each passing moment, my mind could only think of memories of Callum. The way he'd always sit in the corner of the shop. The note he left me that lead to our first date. The one time we made out in the mystery section and almost got caught by my manager. It's all tainted. This place was my safe space away from the world, but now it's tainted with the memories of Callum. He's literally haunting me and we're not even speaking. This has to be dark magic.

Desperate for distraction, I threw myself into my tasks, burying myself in the familiar routine. But the more I work, the more I think of him. It's no use.

As my break rolled around, I found myself reaching for my phone, a knot of anticipation tightening in my chest. I opened Instagram and clicked on his profile.

I was greeted with a cruel twist of fate, that post he'd made about me sleeping and holding his hand was gone. The post that once filled me with warmth and joy was gone, and replaced by a picture of him and Dua, their smiles like daggers in my heart.

I couldn't look at it anymore, I walked into the bathroom shutting and locking the door. I grabbed at my heart through my shirt and tried to slow my breathing.

It was over wasn't it? I would have to let go of all our memories together and I didn't even have a reason why. All I know is that he'd chosen her. He'd chosen her and I was left in the dirt. Sooner or later he'd forget all about me, all about the days we shared together in a such a short amount of time. But I knew I couldn't never forget the memories, how could I, he was the first boy I'd ever fallen in love with. Is this what heartbreak feels like?

As tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, I forced myself to suck it up. I would not let him be the reason I cry here, In the one place that's always made me feel at home, the only place I've ever been happy. How dare he make me cry here.

I opened the door and with a hole in my heart, and returned to my job.

Authors note!

Our girl needs a hug 😣

word count - 530 <3

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙡 // Callum TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now