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Suno entered to his room only to be greeted by the gentle presence of the flower resting on his bedside table.Its delicate petals whispered the tales of what happened earlier, echoing how they or Heeseung think of him in such way, that they think that he purposely do things or that carelessly do things, how bug the distance between him and them ot to him who held likeness for the flower's grace.

Suno stood transfixed, ensnared by the intoxicating allure of its beauty. His gaze lingered upon it. It was as if the flower held him captive by its ethereal embrace..

With a jolt, Suno snapped out of his trance, bringing him back to reality. Suno setting his things down with a sigh. He began to undress, preparing himself for a much-needed bath after the exhausting day.But before he could step into the sanctuary of the bathroom, a knock echoed through the room, drawing his attention to the door. With a furrowed brow, he turned his head to see who it was, only for the door to swing open, revealing an unexpected person..

Sunghoon peered inside the room, only to be startled by the sight of Suno still clad in his clothes,untouched by the comfort of a bath. Sunghoon couldn't help but wonder why Suno hadn't changed yet; he appeared as if he had just arrived and that his belongings barely settled in.

Suno's eyes went over Sunghoon's wet hair and fresh attire, a pang of realization washing over him. In that moment, it dawned on him: while Sunghoon had already refreshed himself, Suno remained stagnant, trapped in his own inertia.

"Jungwon said that it's dinner time," Sunghoon announced, his expression still confusion. Everyone else had already freshened up and prepared for the evening. Yet, Suno remained unchanged, still clad in his practice clothes. It had been 30-40 minutes since their arrival at the dorm, leaving Sunghoon to wonder why Suno hadn't taken the opportunity to do the same.

" Umm... okay," Suno stuttered, his voice tinged with distress. " I... I will just... prepare for a minute." The realization that he had likely lost track of time while entranced by the flower weighed heavily on him, filling him with a sense of unease. Though he tried to respond calmly, the thought of a lot of these will happen in the future, casting a shadow over his already troubled mind.

"Okay, just be quick," Sunghoon urged gently before departing, leaving Suno alone with his thoughts in the room.

With a heavy sigh, Suno was devastated by weight of the situation bear down on him as he hurriedly go towards the bathroom,so he could prepare himself before the dinner. As he sank into the warm embrace of the water, its soothing touch failed to ease the weariness that clung to him. Alone with his thoughts, his mind raced uncontrollably, tormenting him with its relentless barrage of worries and fears.

Suno knowing this forced himself to resurface, the weight of exhaustion still pressing down upon him.With determination, he changed into fresh clothes, steeling himself for a dinner he was invited with but still felt unwelcome.

As Suno made his way to the dining area, he found the other members already seated and waiting for him. The heavy silence that enveloped the room upon his arrival weighed heavily on his shoulders, casting a pall over the atmosphere despite the faint smiles that greeted him.

With a heavy heart, Suno took his seat, hoping that the discomfort lingering in the air would dissipate once they began eating. Yet, beneath the facade of normalcy, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within him, a silent reminder of the tensions that simmered beneath the surface of their interactions.

"Let's eat!!" Jungwon's cheerful voice pierced through the heavy silence, a valiant attempt to ease the tension that hung thick in the air.

For most, dinner was a time to enjoy each other's company after a long day. But for Suno, the warmth of the moment felt distant, overshadowed by the weight of his own internal struggles. Despite his deep affection for his fellow members, he couldn't shake the conviction that distancing himself was the best way to protect both them and himself. It was a harsh reality he faced every day.

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