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It had been a week since Suno's visit to his doctor/friend, and as predicted, his condition had worsened. The sensation of his airway burning intensified, threatening to explode at any moment. Fear gripped Suno as he grappled with the harsh reality of his illness, a burden he carried alone, with no one to offer comfort. Each thought of his deteriorating health felt like an explosion in his mind, overwhelming him with its magnitude.

"Suno!?...SUNO!" Jay's voice pierced through the haze of Suno's thoughts, snapping him back to reality. Suno turned to face Jay, confusion clouding his expression as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. "Your nose is bleeding!" Jay's alarmed voice drew the attention of everyone in the room.

Suno's hand flew to his nose, and he felt the warm trickle of blood gushing out uncontrollably. Panic surged through him as he tried desperately to stem the flow, his hands stained crimson with his own blood.

Suno stood up, feeling suddenly engulfed by the concerned faces of the people surrounding him in the room - some members, backup dancers, and staff. "Hehe... excuse me, I'm just going to the restroom for a while," he laughed awkwardly, his voice trembling with nervousness as he made his way towards the door, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of worry.

"We're coming with you," Jay's voice cut through the tension, his expression etched with genuine concern. Suno hesitated for a moment, torn between wanting to maintain some semblance of normalcy and appreciating the support offered by his friend.

"It's fine, I'm fine, hyung," he reassured Jay with a genuine smile. "You know my body isn't so good with these things," he added, alluding to his past struggles during performances.

Though he tried to brush it off, a part of Suno couldn't deny the truth in his words - his condition had increasingly limited his abilities on their practice, leaving him feeling helpless and frustrated. With a heavy heart, he pushed aside his pride and accepted the reality of his situation, knowing he can't do anything about it.

As soon as Suno stepped into the restroom, he quickly shut the door behind him, his heart pounding with fear and urgency. With trembling hands, he checked each cubicle, relief flooding him when he found them empty. Hastily, he entered one and locked the door behind him, the sense of impending dread weighing heavily on his chest.

The onslaught of symptoms hit him all at once - coughing up blood, nose still bleeding, chest aching with every labored breath. Suno felt like he was suffocating, his body wracked with pain and panic. Time seemed to blur as he struggled to endure the torment assaulting his senses, each moment stretching out into an eternity of suffering.

Unable to focus on anything but the excruciating sensations coursing through his body, Suno's mind felt like a whirlwind of chaos. He couldn't escape the relentless onslaught, every fiber of his being screaming for relief that seemed perpetually out of reach. He was trapped in a nightmare of his own making, his world reduced to the agony of the present moment.

As the minutes stretched into what felt like hours, Suno's senses slowly began to return, though the exhaustion weighed heavily on his limbs. Collapsing to the floor, he stared in horror at the bowl filled with his own blood, the sight of fully bloomed flowers amidst the crimson liquid sending a chill down his spine.

Fear gripped him like a vice, squeezing the breath from his lungs as he grappled with the terrifying implications of what he had witnessed. The turmoil of emotions threatened to overwhelm him, each wave of panic crashing against his fragile resolve, threatening to engulf him in darkness..

Suno took a deep breath, steeling himself for the inevitable confrontation outside the cubicle. With a heavy heart, he pondered over the excuses he could fabricate to explain his condition to his concerned members. But as he glanced into the mirror, a wave of shock washed over him.

Staring back at him was a mere shadow of the vibrant Suno everyone knew. His eyes, once filled with warmth and laughter, were now clouded with tears of despair. Gripping his clothes tightly, he struggled to recognize the person reflected in the mirror. Where had the sunshine within him gone? It felt as though a part of him had vanished without a trace.

Unable to contain the flood of emotions any longer, Suno body surrendered to his grief. His body was shaken unable to stand, tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked, each droplet a testament to the profound loss he felt.

He continued to cry,...

until no more,. until there were no more tears to shed, his heart heavy with the weight of his shattered identity...

The members arrived at their dorm, their minds still reeling from the events of the day. Jungwon and a few others were ready to check on Suno, their concern evident in their furrowed brows and hesitant steps. But before they could even approach his room, Suno's unexpected presence startled them as he emerged from the kitchen with a disarming smile.

Their worries and questions swirled in their minds as they entered the dorm, eager to see Suno and make sense of the chaos that had unfolded during practice. They longed to know what was really happening, to understand the turmoil Suno seemed to be facing alone.

But as they stepped into the room, they were met with a sight that confounded them. Suno stood before them, the picture of normalcy, his demeanor calm and composed as he invited them to eat with a smile. It was as if the events of earlier had never happened.

In that moment they think 'He is fine'

' not knowing behind that normalcy, Suno finds himself broken and shattered into countless pieces '

" So firsts of all I wanted to say sorry huhu, because I wasn't be able to update for 2 weeks!? huhu and then here we are, with my little come back. I have no excuse, I'm really sorry 😫 "

words: 1014

A One-Sided love: Hanahaki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now