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Name:y/n (no last name)
Eye color:Purple
Hair color:White
Birthday:March 11th
Age:15 (at the start)
Has the looks of izana from Tokyo revengers

y/n has always been alone, thus he never had a need for friends, family, or anyone close to him.

He started training his body and mind to overcome any obstacle in life, whether it be academic or physical,he has always been on top due to his intense training and studying,he has never fallen short of 100% in his academic tests nor his physical tests.

He's been working for the past 3 years to live normally like anyone should, it's his last year of middle school so now he has to find a high school to attend.

He saw an ad for a high school named: "Advanced Nurturing High School" or "ANHS" for short, he saw how the school boasts its high 100% college acceptance rate and decided that ANHS is the high school he will attend.

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