Chapter one:ANHS

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y/n's pov:

It's the first day of high school, I just got done with my morning routine and It's time to head to the bus station to get to my new school.

(Time skip to when he gets to anhs)

As I got off the bus I let out a sigh of boredom as nothing interesting happened on the bus, not that I was expecting much although it would've been somewhat interesting to see an argument unfold there.

After leaving the bus I heard 2 people talking? Or was it arguing I couldn't really tell since I was a bit far from them.

One of them was a girl with long black hair, she had piercing red eyes and the look that suggested that she was angry.

The other one was an "average looking guy" with short brown hair and a poker face which would usually indicate that he's bored.

My first evaluation of the two was that the girl seemed like she didn't want to talk to anyone, and had a superiority complex, must be a family problem or something.

The boy however, looked like he was hiding something, or I guess trying to act average as to not stand out, well he has the looks to match what he's trying to do.

I ignored them and went on my merry way.

I found the way to my classroom which had a sign above it: Class 1A.

I already knew about this school's way of doing things around here since when most of the classes were lined up, the principal was giving a speech about the school and how it was made and all type of boring stuff, I zoned him out and started observing the other classes and here's my analysis:

Class A:it seems class A is made up of above average students,all the students were listening to the principal's speech respectfully.

Class B:same as class A although they had some students talking to each other

Class C:none of them were listening and some of them were even lightly punching each other for some reason.

And last but not least class D,

Class D had no one listening and all of them were talking to each other VERY LOUDLY may I add, the only ones that stood out from all of these classes are:

A little girl holding a cane with a smug smile from class A

A bald guy also from class A he looked well mannered and smart

A strawberry colored haired girl from class B she was one of the only people listening from class B

A purple haired delinquent looking guy from class C
He looks like he's gonna be a problem child, he looks strong and cunning, not much of a challenge for me though.

In class D only the black haired girl with a superiority complex and the poker faced guy were listening

So from what I gathered by observing all the classes is:
This school is ran on meritocracy,
Class A being at the top, while Class D are defects at the bottom.

After that I went to my class, noting how many cameras I saw hidden everywhere across the school, they probably use those for a different purpose than to stop bullying, since the cameras as very well hidden.

After I got in my classroom I went to my seat which was in the last row near the window, pretty good seat if I do say so.

It was not longer than 5 minutes that the teacher finally entered the classroom and started talking about the S-System and our lives at the school,he handed out a manual which had the rules and our special phones in them.

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