x : don't want you like a bestfriend

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but somethings changed its something i-i like

◇ but somethings changed its something i-i like ◇

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okkkkk hii guysysy hope u enjoy! heh


in my living room, i hear the rain patting against the window. it's nice weather, honestly. i'm on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, cozy and watching 10 things i hate about you. totally my perfect day.

i hear what i think is wind against my door, and brush it off. ten seconds later, i hear it again. someone's knocking.

confused, i get up out of the comfort of my couch and cautiously make my way over to the front door. why would someone be at my house in all this rain?

i open the door, and i see--

"walker?! what the hell are doing here?" i ask. he's in a plain t-shirt, a jacket, and jeans. he's soaked, as if he had walked here. on my front porch, he's no longer getting pelted by rain, but his drenched curls drip more water onto his face.

"i . . " he doesn't say anything, as if he doesn't have some sort of explanation for showing up at my door at 5:00 in the evening in pouring rain.

"i think i'm in love with you,"

i stare at him, trying to find out if he's being serious. but then i wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him in.

i blink awake and take in my surroundings. i'm in my bed, under the covers. the sun is practically blinding me from how i'm facing my window, and my alarm is blaring at me.


i sit up immediately, suddenly remembering my dream.

what the hell? i had a dream about walker? and we kissed?

"nope. nopenopenopenope." i have to audibly cut myself off, and i shove off my blankets, standing up. i take a second to stretch and rub my eyes, but the moment i close my eyes i see walker's face out in the rain. nope.

i open my eyes and walk to the bathroom.

"it was just a dream, y/n." i mutter to myself, and i ignore the weird feeling in my stomach.

i wash my face, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. all while trying to get my mind off that weird dream.

i go back to my bed, and i kind of just lay there, staring at the ceiling.

i had a dream about walker. where he loved me. and we kissed. and i love him. LOVED. i loved him. past tense, because i definitely do not love walker. well, i do. but not in that way. that'd be dumb. and stupid. and silly. and dumb.

my phone buzzes.

it's momona. part of me wanted it to be walker. i mean-not wanted. i expected it to be walker, because he always texts me. he's so annoying.

call it what you want - walker scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now