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~Time Skip: One year~

Your parents had been shocked and in tears when you came home. They had taken you to see a mental health expert after learning about your strange day. The doctor suggested taking you to see the quirk doctor along with enrolling you in a school, because apparently you were 'too isolated'. And that how you ended up standing there alongside your egg-donor, at the door to of a small public grade school classroom. A kindergarten classroom. Disgusting. The room reeked of children's sweat, tears, and... urine?!

"Mother." You turned to your mother, all four of your eyes fixed on hers. Your diamond like pupils were dilated in confusion and... terror!? "I do not require this...lowly education. I am satisfied from learning from you." Ah, there it was, the Pearl in you, with her proper grammar and her straightforward behavior. The defiance was new though. This planet must be affecting you negatively.

"I'm sorry, my little Diamond,' That was her nickname for you, hence your diamond like pupils. "But this is for your own good, how will you ever learn to survive on your own without something as important as this? Mommy will be back at the end of the day," She cooed, before practically shoving you inside.

"Lowly, patronizing human." You scoffed in disgust, (Lapis was always quite the grumpy one) and introduced yourself to your teacher.

"Oh, hello, dear, you must be... the newest addition to our classroom. [Name], right?" The woman's voice was sickeningly sweet, but it was laced with disgust. She eyed you up and down, grimacing at your extra arms, your blue skin, and your eyes. Her gaze lingered on your gems, and greed flashed through her eyes for a brief moment. "I'm Mrs. (Something), why don't you introduce yourself?" She got thre attention of the class and push you forward with a ruler, as not to touch your 'hideous' mutant self. You turned to her, and recalled your knowledge on human honorifics and customs.

"Mrs? First of all, who would marry someone as pathetic as you? It must be quite the grueling task to be locked up in the same residence as a flesh bag such as yourself, and second of all, you do not address me by my first name." You sneered at her, knowing just how much the disgusting woman deserved it. The class stifled their gasps of shock.

"How dare you insult (Something)-sensei!!! You're the pa-tetak one, you meanie mutant!!!" (Keep in mind these are kindergartners)

"You're pwatically alweady a villain!!!!"

"BLEH!!! DUM-DUM!!!" You froze at the last insult. In kid langauge, that was a no-no. A big no-no. You summoned up a ball of f/c light filled with pain and hopelessness and chucked it at the child.


"Do you know why you've been called here?" Asked the principal. "Assaulting another child will not be tolerated here, missy." You glare at the principal.

"I'm not sorry." With that you are excused as the principal mutters something unintelligible along the lines of how villainous you are. As you make your way back to your classroom, you notice teachers and older students alike staring at your gemstones with lustful eyes. A large diamond is worth a lot to scum like them.

You open the door to the room slowly and ignore the looks of hatred sent your way. As you plop down in your seat, you are passed a math worksheet that would typically be difficult for someone your biological age. Chronilogiclly, you are thousands of years old. Therefore, you breezed through the paper easily and continue to pass without fail. When you notice strange looks being sent your way, you smirk and continue to work.

At recess, you notice a group of girls laughing and kicking a figure.



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