First Day

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You looked into the cracked full length mirror you and Hana had gotten from dumpster diving. Your usually unruly hair was tamed and brushed, and your crisp new uniform, that still smelled of packaging, fit like a glove, showing off almost every curve. You knew these uniform were custom tailored, as the school had made you send in measurements. You fastened your back pack onto your shoulders, and stepped out of the apartment. You and Hana had decided to run away from the orphanage and stay there permanently. The caretakers, of course, didn't give a flying fuck about what you two did.

"Wow, nervous? Well, I am at least..." Hana stepped out beside you, wearing the same uniform as you.

"Mmm... I'm also sort of, ah, anxious."

The two of you made your way to school, making small talk, but mostly just admiring the scenery. It was a sunny day, and children were out an about, also excited for their first days, though none of them were going to U.A. You loved to marvel at Earth's man made beauty, but preferred the natural kind. "Hana. What do you think your hero name will be?"

"I don't know. What about you?" You pondered this for a moment. Blue Diamond? No, that wasn't who you were anymore. You never wanted to go back. Pearl and Lapis didn't sound too appealing either. Come to think of it, you were a fusion. What was your name, anyways. Your gem name?

Wasn't it-

"[Name]! [Name]! Are you okay?" Never mind. It didn't matter, probably.

"Hm? Oh, yes, of course Pink-Hana." You smiled gently at her as you corrected yourself. "I suppose I don't know either... a hero name is something you have to live up to, and I don't think I can think of one right away, I would need some time." Hana nods.

"Oh, look, we're here!!! That was fast!" Hana explained as she pointed out the massive high school looming just overhead. "Well, I guess, uh, this is where we go separate ways... s-see you around!" She smiled brightly before running off to join her new classmates that were waving quite a large sign reading, '1-B over here'.

You saw no such sign for 1-A. It didn't matter, anyway, it's not like you cared about making new friends. You had all the friends you needed.

"What the actual fuck." You noticed the large door with a big ass A on it. Were there going to be giants in your class? Never mind that thought. It didn't matter.

As you stepped into the class, you heard the words,

"So you're a damn elite, are you!?" The same impudent blonde boy you had seen at the exams sat at a desk with his feet propped up on it, snarling at a blue haired boy with square like glasses doing chopping motions with his hands. The boys continued to argue, the blonde getting slightly more violent with his threats, when a small hand tapped you on the shoulder.

"I-It's you, isn't it?" You turned around, confused, and saw a petite girl with large doe eyes and a round face staring back at you.


"You're that girl!"

"I am a girl." You said flatly. This girl seemed familiar.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just, you're that girl who, y'know..." You raised an eyebrow. What was she getting at- oh. It was her. You didn't expect her to remember you after all these years. "You made that building disappear. You saved my family business!! Thank you! You probably don't remember me but my name is-"

"Uraraka Ochaco. I never introduced myself that day, did I? I am L/n [Name]. It's nice to see you again, Uraraka-san." The girl blinked.

"Oh! You remember my name! I-I, wow! I didn't expect you to, but here you are and-" You placed a hand on her shoulder.

Why So Blue? (Bnha x BlueDiamond!reader)Where stories live. Discover now