First Day of Classes and The Rest of His Life

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She didn't know if she should be elated, terrified, anxious or just plain ticked that her life is going the way that it is. Sutton Monroe is a senior in college. She had plans to go to medical school and be someone that her family could be proud of.

Instead of that scenario it looks like she is going to be another statistic. Sutton went to a frat party on campus to celebrate a championship win and came out with a lasting reminder of a little "too much" fun. So this has led to where Sutton is right now. She is standing at the at the door of said frat house.

Luckily the house is mostly empty. It's an off time of the day. Majority of the guys are either at class, napping or scoping out where the next party is going to be. Sutton just had one person she needed to find.  She was glad to see the house mostly empty.  She really didn't need the whole football team around to hear this conversation.

Sutton was a cheerleader, so it was not uncommon to walk into the football house and not get a second look. She walked into the living room to find the person she needed to see. Deacon Langley was the quarterback and most known player for the Bulls. His popularity with the ladies went right along with that. Deacon looked up at Sutton and said, "Hey Sutty! I wasn't expecting you to stop by today. Need some more one on one time with yours truly?"

If Deacon wasn't her best friend, she was pretty sure she would kill him right here. She said, "D, I need you to be serious here for just a little bit, okay?"

Deacon and Sutton had been best friends since they were kids. Their parents were friends and that inevitably led to them spending a ton of time together and forming a friendship that just about everyone on campus was jealous of.

Deacon sat up and pulled Sutton onto the couch next to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and told her, "S, you are scaring me. What's going on?"

Sutton took a deep breath. This was not a conversation that she ever thought she would have to be having, especially not with Deacon. She sighed, "You remember that party a month ago?"

"S, if this is about what I said earlier I'm sorry. You know me. I'm the worst in awkward situations. The last thing I want is for things to be awkward with you. We..."

"I'm going to need you to stop talking so I can get this out."


"I know that you are well known around campus by all the ladies. D, we have a problem."

"Oh no. Are the girls giving you a hard time? I didn't tell anyone. I don't want this to mess anything up between us. You are the only person that doesn't judge me. You are the only person that can stand me and the stupid stuff I do and say."

"Deacon, I'm pregnant."

Deacon's mouth dropped open. "Umm... Excuse me?"

"I'm pregnant. I just took the test. Well, I took six to be sure and they were all positive. I'm never late."

"This is not funny."

Tears were freely rolling down Sutton's face at this point. "Trust me, I know. I have to give up cheerleading. I have to figure out what I am going to do about medical school. I didn't think this would ever happen to me. I'm another freaking statistic. I'm going to be a huge disappointment to my parents. You are going to hate me for doing this to you. I hate myself for doing this to you.  I just don't know what to do now.  I just know that this baby means something."

There was a knock on the door. Deacon gave Sutton a hug and said, "Hang on. We are not done talking about this. I'm going to take care of the door and we are going to figure this out."

Deacon ran to the door. He knew he needed to get back to Sutton quick. Much to his surprise he opened the door to see a car seat with a baby inside. He looked around and there was no one around. He looked down at the car seat to see that there was a note on top of the diaper bag beside the carrier.

Deacon picked up the note and read:


I'm sure you don't remember me. My name doesn't matter. I'm sure I am one of the many that you have been with in the last year. What does matter is the fact that this is your daughter. Her name is Daisy Elyse Langley. She was born the first of day of classes. I tried, but I wasn't made to be a mom. I just can't do it. I've signed away my rights. The papers are in her diaper bag.

I hope that you are able to take care of Daisy. Best of luck.  

Deacon was floored. He wanted to walk back into the house and pretend that this hadn't happened, but it was starting to get cooler and even he knew that couldn't be good for a baby.  At least the baby looked to be unphased by the goings on and the abrupt changes that she was unknowingly going through.  According to the note, she was a month old.  Who knew who and where she had been for the first month of her little life.

Deacon carried the baby and the diaper bag back in the house. He found Sutton right where he left her. Before she could say anything else or they could work through the bombshell that they were dealing with, "It looks like I have more than one situation to work through."

Sutton sniffled and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"According to this note, she is mine."

Sutton and Deacon just looked at each other.

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