Doctor's Appointment

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Deacon came rushing into the doctor's office with Daisy squalling.  Sutton met him and took Daisy from him and started bouncing her.  She said, "Oh no.  What's wrong sweet girl?  Did daddy mess with your plans today?"

          Deacon chuckled as he watched Daisy automatically calm as soon as she was in Sutton's arms.  He said, "I think she just likes you better than me.  She missed her bestie and was not happy that she spent all morning with me instead of you."

          "Hey girly.  Your dad isn't all bad.  I've been friends with him for years.  I can teach you all the ways to get what you want when you are older."

          "There is no doubt that I am going to be in so much trouble when it comes to the three of you."

          "So much trouble will be coming your way.  Thanks for coming, D.  I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda scared."

          The two of them sat down and Deacon put a hand on her leg.  He said, "We've got this.  We'll figure it out as we go."

          A nurse came out and said, "Sutton Monroe."

          Sutton stood up with Daisy and Deacon followed with the car seat and diaper bag.  Sutton handed Daisy over when it was time for her to get weighed.  She told Deacon, "Word to the wise, we are not going to talk about my weight or anything that we see here today."

          Deacon chuckled, "You got it.  Not a word."

          The nurse smirked and said, "Weight is 160.  Temperature is 98.7."

          The nurse led the three of them to a room.  She said, "If you will change into this gown and sit down.  There is also a paper blanket to put over your lap."

          Sutton gulped.  "Gown?  I thought they would just take blood and then use that wand thing from the movies over my stomach."

          "Sweetheart, you are  not far enough along based on the information that you gave us."


          Deacon cleared his throat, "S, it's all going to be alright.  I'm right here.  We're going to be right here."

          Sutton sighed.  "Okay."

          The nurse left them alone.  Deacon said, "Daise and I can step out in the hallway if you want us to.  Give you some privacy.  I know you weren't expecting this."

          Sutton laughed.  "D, you've already seen it all.  That's how we got here, remember?  Maybe just turn around and give me a chance to put this stupid gown on.  I guess we better get used to all this.  Especially because you will not be leaving me to go through labor all by myself."

          Deacon was turned around keeping Daisy entertained.  He said, "Of course you will not be going into the delivery room all by yourself.  I'm not going anywhere."

          "Okay.  It's safe to turn around."

          Deacon came over to the chair next to her.  The two of them were passing Daisy back and forth.  They were talking about the small things trying to keep their minds off of everything they were going to be finding out as soon as the doctor walked in.

          There was a knock on the door.  The doctor cracked the door and she asked, "Are we okay in here?"

          Deacon and Sutton both told her hello.  The doctor said, "Hello.  I'm Dr. Anna Rose."

          Sutton told her, "I'm Sutton.  That is Deacon and Daisy."

          "She is such an angel.  She is what about five weeks."

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