Conversations With The Coach

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Deacon had gotten the paternity results back and it was 99.9% that Daisy was his.  That was when it hit him that he was in charge of someone else's life.  He didn't know how he was going to do it.  He had football, now Daisy, a pregnant best friend and he needed to find a job to help support these little people that he helped bring into the world.

          Deacon was carrying Daisy's car seat into the football locker room.  He said, "Daise, don't get any ideas.  You are not going to be back in here when I am sure that you are able to understand what is going on.  You do not need to be seeing these guys in their natural habitat.  I'm going to be someone you are going to be proud of kid.  Lets just say that before you came along, you would not have liked me.

          Deacon knocked on the door of the coach's office.  Coach Stevens said, "Deacon!  Come on in.  Who do we have joining us?"

          Deacon replied, "Coach, this is my daughter, Daisy.  I just found out about her this week.  Before you say anything, I have the paternity results back.  I just wanted to make sure that I came and told you.  I wanted to be forthcoming with you.  I'm trying my best to be a better guy."

          "I appreciate you coming in to tell me."

          "I don't know that I am going to be able to be at every practice.  I am working on a babysitting schedule, but I don't know if I am going to be able to find someone to be with her all the time.  Plus, she is my responsibility."

          "I'm very proud of you for stepping up.  I'll talk to my daughter.  You know that she goes to many of our games and practices.  If you need her to, I'm sure she wouldn't mind sitting with her.  She's been babysitting for years."

          "There is a little bit more, sir."


          "I also found out that someone else is pregnant with my child.  I plan on being there for her as much as possible."


          "I know.  I should have known better.  I should have been more protected.  I should have just been a better guy in general."

          "You are a young man.  Mistakes happen and we grow from them.  I'm sure everything that is meant to happen will happen.  I'm just glad to see you being a man.  We will help you in any way that we can.  If emergencies come up and you need to bring her to practice, you will always be welcome to.  And I'm sure you will be bringing her to games out of town with us.  We will find a way to make that work as well.  I know you are on scholarship, and we are going to do anything that we can to make sure that it stays that way."

          "Thank you again, sir.  I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have a doctor appointment that I need to get to check on my other baby."

          "Advice from one father to another, make sure that you are fully prepared to be involved.  No child needs a sometimes dad.  I know you said you just found out about her this week, but make sure that you get this baby to the doctor as well just to be sure."

          "Thank you.  I'm working on making sure I am doing everything I can."

          Deacon grabbed Daisy's car seat.  He said, "We have one tough conversation down.  We are going to go check on your little brother or sister.  Then this weekend we get to tell your grandma and grandpa about you.  Sweet girl, we sure have a lot of growing up to do, but I want you to know that we are going to be doing it together."

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