Two Under Two?

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As Sutton was losing everything that was left on her stomach she felt someone pull the hair off of the back of her neck. She looked up to see it was Deacon.

When she finally felt like she was finished, she asked through her tears, "What are you doing?"

"I'm helping my best friend while she is sick."

She started sobbing. "I'm puking and sitting on the floor of a frat house. I can't believe my life has come to this. Everyone is going to know that I'm pregnant. I thought I still had some time to keep this to myself."

"We can make up excuses if you aren't ready. We can tell the guys. We will do whatever you want us to do. You are in the driver's seat on this one, S."

"I can't tell mom and dad yet. Your parents are going to hate me. I don't want them to hate me."

Deacon pulled her into his lap as he scooted up against the wall. "It's going to be okay. Your mom and dad will get over it. Beverly is going to love being a grandma. Dean is going to teach our kid everything there is to know about loving and taking care of others. My parents have always liked you more than me. If they end up hating anyone it is going to be me because I messed up your plans. Plus I already have one kid to introduce them to. They will have the chance to get used to being grandparents again by the time our baby even gets here."

"I guess we could tell the guys. They took the news of Daisy so well. I don't think I could think of anyone better to have on my side than the whole football team. I'm probably going to be around here a lot more to help you out with Daisy and if this episode is any kind of indication, I'm not going to be able to stop puking. I do want to wait to tell our parents until I'm past the twelve week mark."

"We can do that. I'm sure all the guys are still out there passing around Daisy. We can tell them now. Then we need to make a game plan on what things are going to be looking like."

"I can talk with the guys and see who would be willing to help with babysitting. I'm sure I can get some of the cheerleaders on board once you have the positive results. We don't want to spread this around too much unless we have to. You should probably call your coach. He needs to know what is going on in case you need to miss practice. I can babysit while you practice this week, but I may not be able to for every practice if I keep feeling like I am feeling right now. I need to go to the store and pick up the things Daisy is going to need for the next couple of days. She needs clothes, diapers and a bed for sure."

"You make the list and me and the guys will go get the stuff. You need to relax. You just puked more than they do in the Exorcist. Sutty, I want you to spend more time over here so I can keep an eye on you. You are going to be dehydrated before we know it, if you keep having episodes like this."

"I can't spend too much time over here or Keely will get the wrong idea. I'm not ready for the truth or the rumors that are going to come from me spending so much time here."

"We will figure it out. Now lets get you up off of the floor and back into the living room. I can take you up to my room if you think you will be more comfortable there."

"Whoa. What is happening here?"

"What? I'm just trying to take care of my baby mama."

"Shut up. If you ever say that again I will make sure that these are the only two you will ever have."

"I don't know that I need any more than two anyway."

"You know what I mean."

"I know. I'm sorry. My humor is not great in these situations."

"We are going to have to work on that. Being dad to a girl and being overly sarcastic is not going to work out for anyone."

Deacon helped Sutton to her feet and back to the living room. Trevor was taking over showing all the guys how to change a diaper. Trevor looked over his shoulder and said, "D, I think you are the one that needs to learn this skill the most. Your little sweet girl here needs a diaper change."

Deacon went over with the other guys and watched very carefully as Trevor went step by step changing her diaper. Deacon lifted her up when she was finished and said, "We sure have some good friends, Daisy."

Deacon came over and wrapped his arm around Sutton as he held Daisy with his other arm. It was easily seen that he was already getting more comfortable with the little girl.

The guys looked at the pair and the baby. Deacon said, "There are a few more things that I am going to need your guys' help with. We have got to work on the downstairs bathroom and the one on the second floor. Not only is gross for our guests, but we don't need to be in on the nasty either. From now on the kitchen is going to be stocked with crackers, Sprite and Gatorade. It is off limits for you heathens."

Preston asked, "What the heck are you talking about?"

Sutton took a deep breath. "I'm... Umm... I'm pregnant. It looks like I am going to be puking for the foreseeable future. I'm begging you to please not make me sit on that nasty floor again to puke."

"S, what is going on?"

Deacon told all the guys, "It seems I have some potent little swimmers. S and I had a little too much fun at the beginning of the year party. Now we are going to have a reminder of that night for the rest of our lives."

Trevor said, "Holy crap. You are going to have two kids in under a year."

"It seems that way. Guys, S and I need your help. She's not very far along. We aren't ready for the whole world to know. We are hoping to make it to 12 weeks before we have to start telling more people. We wanted to tell you guys since Sutton will be spending more time here helping with Daisy, but I also want to keep an eye on her. I'm also asking that you all please help her if you can. The next months of our lives are going to be anything but easy. I just know that there is no way that we will be able to do everything on our own."

All of the guys showed that they were more than willing to be there for their friends.

Sutton said, "Thank you so much, guys. I'm not going to lie. I'm scared. I never thought that this would be my life. Plus D is really going to need our help with Daisy. I want to make a list of babysitters and get a schedule down."

Deacon told the guys, "Sutton is going to help me make a list of things I am going to need for Daisy in the next few days. I could use some help getting to the store and getting it put together." Sutton worked on the schedule of when the guys could help Deacon while some of them went to the store with him. She also kept an eye on Daisy.

Sutton told Daisy, "You are one lucky girl to have such a sweet daddy and uncles. I know we still need to get a paternity test done, but sweetheart, there is no doubt in my mind that you came from that sweet man." Sutton cuddled Daisy while she downed the two Gatorades that Deacon had made her promise she would drink.

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