Telling The Grandparents Part 1

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Deacon was pulling into his parents' driveway. He was so happy that Sutton had come with him. He knew that she was overwhelmed after learning that they were having twins. It still blew his mind, too. They hadn't told anyone that they were having twins. They decided they wanted their families to know first.

Deacon recently had been having all kinds of weird feelings about all of the situations that he was in. He was of course overwhelmed knowing that he was going to be a dad to three kids under a year old. But he was also having a hard time stopping his thoughts from always going to Sutton. Knowing that she was carrying two babies he wanted to do everything that he could to help her and make things easier for her.

Sutton looked at Deacon and asked, "Are you okay?"


"No you aren't. You can't lie to me. You keep forgetting that I have known you way too long. I know all of your tells."

Deacon sighed. "My parents are going to kill me. If they don't, yours will. Daisy is going to be an orphan."

Sutton rolled her eyes. "You are way too dramatic."

"No, really, I'm just thinking about how I have to figure out how to keep doing football and start saving money for the babies. Daisy already needs stuff, but we are going to need two more of everything else when the babies get here."

"Aren't you the one that says that we are in this together? That isn't any different from my side. I'm going to help you with Daisy any way that I can. I'm going to start looking for a job as soon as we get back on campus. Right now you need to worry about football."

"I was going to go pro. I don't think that is going to happen now."

"Well, there is no way that I am going to make it isn't med school with two newborns. We'll figure it out. Thank you for being so supportive. I know we are going to need each other, especially after the babies get here."

"Okay. Lets get this over with. My parents first, then yours? We have something extra that we have to tell my parents about."

"They are going to love Daisy. She's way too cute not to fall in love with."

"I hope you are right."

Sutton got out of the car and got Daisy. She said, "Lets go meet your grandma and grandpa, sweet girl. They are going to love you!"

Deacon led the girls into the house. He said, "Mom, Dad, we're here!"

Deacon's mom came to the door. She said, "Sutton! I'm so glad you are here. We've missed you!"

"Gee. Thanks mom. Nice to know you miss me."

"Stop it drama queen. I'm glad you decided to come see your mom. Wait a second. Why do you all have a baby with you?"

"We need to go sit down. Is dad here?"

"Come into the living room. We'll sit down."

Carter and Layla sat down. Deacon sat across from them. He said, "I need to tell you guys what is going on. This week this little girl came into my life. She was left at the house. There was a note with her. I had a paternity test done. She's mine."

Carter coughed and asked, "Umm... What?"

"I've got a daughter. She's five weeks old. Her mom just left her."

Layla asked, "So what is your plan?"

"I've already talked to coach. S has been helping me come up with a babysitting schedule. She helped me make a list of things she needs. She has been a life saver."

"What is her name?"

"Daisy Elyse Langley."

"She is so cute!"

Carter asked, "What are you going to do about classes and football?"

"When I can't be with her, someone from the house or S is with her. Everyone is pitching in. I have the best friends around."

Layla walked over and took Daisy from Sutton. Just like they thought, she very quickly won over her grandparents. Carter was just as smitten with her.

Layla told Deacon, "We will help with what we can. What are you going to do about affording a place for you and all the things she needs?"

"Coach is going to let me bring her to practices that I may not have a babysitter for. He said that I could bring her on the road as well. I am going to get a job as soon as the season is over. I would quit football, but I have the scholarship and I can't afford to quit and pay for school."

"We will help until you can get a job."

"Thank you. Umm... There is more."

"More than a baby?"

"Uh. Yeah. Two more babies?"


"S is pregnant with twins. She's due in May."


"I know. I'm the biggest disappointment. I just wanted you to know. I don't want to hide anything."

"Sutton, have you told your parents?"

Sutton told them, "No. They are our next stop. We had to make sure that you met Daisy first."

"How are you feeling, Sutton?"

"Morning sickness, or what should be called all the time sickness, is kicking my butt. D is such a big help and we are going to figure things out. It is nothing that either of us ever imagined would happen, but I know I already love these little people. I'm going to start looking for a job as soon as we get back to campus."

"Can we do anything for you?"

"No, not right now. I'm still kind of in shock, but we are going to keep trying to figure out what is next."

"I didn't know that you two were together. I thought you were best friends."

"We are best friends. Right now I don't know that we know much more than that. There is a whole lot going on in such a short time."

"Well, we are here if you ever need anything."

"Thank you so much."

"Can you leave this sweet girl here while you go talk to Dana and Barrett? I want to get to know my granddaughter."

Deacon said, "That would be a great help. Thank you."

"Go. I want to spend some time with her." Deacon chuckled. He helped Sutton up and led her to the door.

As they were walking out the door Deacon said, "I'm afraid that was the easy conversation. I'm not sure what is going to happen when we go next door."

Sutton took his hand and said, "That is why we are on an united front here. Just remember that my parents love you. Plus Tanner wants to be just like you."

"We can't let him be too much like me after all of this. No one in their right mind should have three kids under one, especially not one with someone they don't know. And you really shouldn't ruin the life of someone you care about."

"D, you have not ruined my life. There is a bump in it, but I am sure that this bump is going to turn out to be one of the very best bumps I've ever had." Deacon chuckled as he walked with Sutton over to her house.

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