Chapter 5: what'll we do?

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"Okay," Harold put to them, "now I'd say that the first thing to consider is whether that sister got a look at us when we did the inspection last Saturday."

Bobba was nodding his head, "We're going to be in number fifteen so I figure she must be in number ten."

"Yeah, that'd be right. I reckon that was the place with all the flowers in the front garden."

"I didn't see anyone out the front of that place."

"Neither did I. In fact, I didn't see anybody in the street at all."

"No, it was very quiet."

"Right, so we're probably okay," Harold summed up their discussion, "It's not likely that this Mrs Stein would have got a decent enough look to be able to tell whether Flor was a girl or a boy, if she saw us at all, that is."

Florina was wobbling her head and looking around hopelessly, "I don't know, I don't know . . ."

"Look, what we do now," Harold said with decision, "is we all go back to our respective homes, have some lunch, get our stuff and meet back at the house in a few hours. Okay?"


"Flor, it would be best if you stay dressed up just in case the sister is out the front this afternoon and sees you as you drive past. And guys, Flor will have to have one of the three garage spaces. Here Flor, take this garage door remote, it's the one for the left-hand door."

"Yeah well," Bobba put in, "if it's all right with you fellahs, I'll park on the paved area out the front. Those garage spaces are a bit tight for my big limo."

"Fair enough, that'll make it easier all round."

Florina was still despairing, "Okay, so I get into the house undetected, but what about from then on, I don't want to be dressed up twenty-four seven."

"Let's not start worrying about it until we understand the situation more clearly."

"Come on, Flor, you've been brilliant. Let's be positive. We're all smart lads, we'll find a way of coping."

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