Chapter 28: and more

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The twenty-first function was a success in that Bobba's mother approved of the stately, well-mannered Adele and they had a good time. It was a few days later when Bobba had a quiet talk with Flori.

"Flori, Adele and I are going to go to Trocardo's again next Friday night. Look, tell me, man, am I out of line here, I mean, I know that Adele and Macy are no longer together, but Adele's still inclined that way, isn't she? I don't want her to feel that she's under any sort of obligation when she . . ."

Flori laughed, "My dear old friend, I can see that I need to fill you in more fully on the situation. Adele is not a lesbian. Her affair with Macy realistically lasted only a couple of months. It was just a fling for her, or as Macy put it so graphically, 'a walk on the wild side'. She's a straight chick, fellah, and you may be just her type," Flori finished with a grin.

"Back up, man, we're just going dancing, that's all. She's good company and dances well; we're just having some fun, just some fun."

Then, the next day, Macy had a talk with Flori.

"Listen, babe, I've got this idea I want to put to you."


"Right. I'm going to start doing the early morning prep on Saturdays at the coffee shop. So I have to be there by six o'clock to get things organised for when we open up at six-thirty for breakfast. The other staff turn up over the next hour or so."

"I see."

"That means that I'm going to have to get up at five in the morning to give myself time to get there - I won't let Adele drive me, that wouldn't be fair."

Macy pulled her face into an appealing grimace, "Soooo, for convenience, I wondered if you guys would allow me to kip at the house on Friday nights, like sleep on the couch or something?"

Florian was giving Macy an amused, studying look.

"I'll behave, I promise. I won't be a nuisance."

Flori looked away into the distance and spoke in a faraway voice, "How interesting. When Bobba and Adele come back from Trocardo's on Friday night there will be no Macy at the flat. Strangely convenient that."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that at all." But she started to laugh and added, "Alright, alright, it did seem to be a side benefit."

"Yeah, right," Flori snorted, "Macy, the matchmaker sounds much better than Flori, the matchmaker."

Macy pouted and then smiled appealingly.

"Of course, you can stay, my dear Macy. I could never forgive myself if I interfered with your romantic machinations."

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