Chapter 29: relationships

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Bobba and Adele continued to go dancing each Friday night, but their relationship didn't seem to develop any further, much to the amused 'dismay' of the two schemers.

But then again, maybe those two should have been paying more attention to what was happening to them.

The first Friday night Macy stayed at the house, she slept on the couch in the living room. However, this wasn't very convenient as she needed to go to bed early and the others were still up and about.

The following Friday night, Florian made up a bed for Macy on the floor of his bedroom; there was plenty of room. That seemed to be a lot better.

Then Flori began to feel guilty that he was sleeping in a large comfortable queen-sized bed while Macy had to make do with a makeshift bed on the floor. So he decided to talk to her.

"Macy, if you want to, you can sleep on that side of the bed and I'll sleep on this side, that is provided you behave and don't jiggle about."

"I do my jiggling about when I'm awake; I'm very still when I'm asleep. But Flori, you don't have to do this, I'm okay, babe."

Flori pulled a face and then they started laughing.

"You could wear a nightie to make it look better," Macy said with her impish grin.

"Oh lord, the things poor Florina has to do for you."

"But she is such a good friend."

It worked fine. They were careful not to disturb each other when getting in and out of bed and when they were in bed together.

Then Flori decided to go to bed and get up at the same time as Macy. This would allow him to study in the morning when there were fewer distractions. There were no problems, it was a surprisingly comfortable arrangement.

Flori and Macy always indulged in a lot of banter and good-natured teasing with each other; they probably didn't fully realise just how well they related, how well they understood each other, and just how close they'd become.

Perhaps it would take some sort of shock or disturbance for them to look at each other in a new light.

But would that happen?

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