Chapter 39: Selma

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Preston had really taken to his new position with the legal firm and was settling in quickly. Mr William Krest, the senior partner who had hired him seemed to be taking a special interest in him and he saw that as a good sign.

He'd been there a few weeks when he had something of a shock as he was leaving the office. He glanced down a laneway and noticed a young woman walking away from him. From the rear, it looked like Selma - the dark blonde hair, the slender well-shaped body, the model-like walking gait.

Fuck! Was it her? Don't tell me that she worked somewhere around here. What a bastard, what shitty luck. Bloody hell, now he would have to be on the lookout because if that was Selma, he sure didn't want to be running into her all the time.

The engagement party was a week later and, of course, Selma was there. There was a big crowd in attendance and Preston was able to keep away from her until late in the evening.

Then he noticed her standing on the other side of the lawn chatting with another couple. He observed her for a while and had a sudden, not-entirely-welcome, thought. He stood there staring at her.

Eventually, she turned her head and caught him looking at her. She didn't smile but defiantly returned his stare. Then she politely excused herself to the other couple and walked slowly across the lawn.

"Good evening, Selma."

"Good evening, Preston."

"Tell me, Selma, what kind of work do you do?"

A slight frown, "I'm a qualified legal secretary, Preston."

"And you work for . . .?"

A slight pause this time, "LKA Law, as you do."

"LKA Law, Langdon, Krest and Associates, is that so?" responded Preston continuing to study her somewhat severely.

"I'm in the Commercial Law division which is located in the annex to the main building."

"Selma, what is your surname?"

A small moue and, "Krest. William Krest is my uncle, and (sigh) Peston, all I did was give your name and contact details to my uncle with the suggestion that you could be a valuable addition to the company. You took it from there and got the job on your own merits."

They stood there for a few moments, saying nothing. Strangely, Preston began to feel a little amused; perhaps in this encounter, he had control for a change.

"All right, Preston," Selma spoke abruptly, "I admit it, I fancy you. Satisfied?"

"Oh, you fancy me, do you?"

"Don't tease me, Preston."

"Hmmm, I think that a bit of teasing would do you good."

Selma rolled her eyes.

"How did you get here tonight, Selma?"

"I drove my car. At these sort of functions, I'm careful about how much I drink."

"I left my car at home because I thought I may have one too many. Perhaps we could come to an arrangement."

Looking a little surprised, Selma gave him a sideways grin, "Perhaps we could."

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