Mittal Family

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Friends, I made a mistake in the last part.  I had given a paragraph earlier by mistake due to which all of you got misunderstanding about the hardik. 😅 Hardik and Vikram's flight was in the afternoon, so both of them were there during breakfast time.

Ab ese bade bade novels me choti choti galtiyaan to hoti rehti hai 😜😜

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Manish joined his hands and looked at the ceiling with teary eyes and said, “Just make this operation successful, make my Archana well. I can no longer bear to see her like this. You can take anything from me in return.”

“Don’t worry Papa, this operation will be successful and Mummy will be fine too.” Gaurav said, putting his hand on Manish’s shoulder and consoling him.

Omkar was standing a little away from them and listening to them. He said in his mind, “She too had prayed the most for Mummy’s recovery. If she was here today, her happiness would know no bounds. Who knows where she is? In what condition is she? Our hatred, indifference and selfishness have distanced her from us and Mummy forever, so much so that I don’t even know how she is? Anokhi, where are you? Today our Mummy is going to have her operation. The wish for which you have prayed for years is going to be fulfilled today. Please come. ”

While saying this, tears appeared in Omkar's eyes which he quickly wiped. Omkar closed his eyes and started remembering that day 2 years ago when he came back home after playing his international match.

Flashback _

A black coloured sports car stopped in the parking of Mittal Villa and Omkar came out of it. He went inside the villa with his bag on his shoulders. While going inside, his eyes were on the gate of the outhouse which was locked. Seeing this, his eyes became narrow. When he came inside the villa, he found his father Manish and elder brother Gaurav in the hall itself.

" Congratulations little brother. You won this match too. ", Gaurav said while hugging Omkar, then Omkar smiled and said, "Thank you bhai. "

Then Omkar met Manish as well. Manish said, “You must be tired from the travel, go and freshen up. Then we will eat together.”

“Okay papa.”, Omkar said and went to his room.

After some time, when he came back after freshening up, he saw that his Bhabhi, Gaurav’s wife Preeti was serving food.

He came to Preeti smiling and hugged her from the side and said, “Wow Bhabhi, you have made everything of my choice. You are really great. I really love you.”

Hearing his words, Preeti smiled a little. Seeing her such a cold reaction, Omkar worriedly asked, “What happened Bhabhi, why are you looking so sad? Has something happened?”

Before Preeti could say anything, Manish and Gaurav came there. Gaurav asked laughingly, “What is the talk going on between brother-in-law and Bhabhi?”

“Nothing brother, I was asking Bhabhi that why is she looking so sad? Has something happened?”, Omkar asked the same question to Gaurav as well.

Hearing his question, Gaurav and Manish started looking at each other, then Gaurav said with a fake smile, “She must be sad, her beloved devar was missing from home for so many days and he did not even call, so your Bhabhi became sad.”

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