Poor Rishabh

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Looking at the clothes of all the girls in the mall, Anokhi looked down at her own dress. She was wearing a simple sky blue salwaar kurta.

But not only Anokhi, everyone standing there was looking at them. Everyone stopped for a moment and were looking at Rishabh with shining eyes.

Although Rishabh had put a mask on his face, still his hero-like personality could not be hidden and on top of that his bodyguards walking behind him drew everyone's attention towards him.

When Anokhi saw everyone turning towards her like this, she held Rishabh's coat arm tightly.

"What happened Cupcake?" Rishabh asked when he saw Anokhi's grip getting stronger, then Anokhi said softly, "Why are everyone looking at us like this? I am not wearing clothes like these girls, that's why they are looking."

"Do you like the clothes these girls are wearing?  ", Rishabh also asked softly, then Anokhi quickly shook her head and said, "These are such short clothes. How can anyone wearing such a dress? The clothes are like the one I am wearing. If we get such clothes here, then let's go from here. I will wear some other dress at home."

Due to shaking her head repeatedly, Anokhi's hair got scattered and came on her forehead. Rishabh removed her hair from her forehead and said, "You will get clothes of the kind you want here, so let's go now." Rishabh said and started walking holding her hand.

When one of the two girls standing there saw Rishabh removing Anokhi's hair, she sighed and said, "Oh, he is so romantic, just like the male lead of a romantic novel. I wish I also get a boy who loves me like this.  "

Then the other girl standing next to that girl said with a frown, " He looks like a hero but he got a lame heroine. See how she is limping."

The girl said this in a slightly loud voice which reached the ears of everyone standing there as well as Rishabh and Anokhi. When Anokhi heard her words, her steps stopped and she removed her hand from Rishabh's hand.

Seeing this, Rishabh clenched his fist and his eyes became red due to anger. He looked at the girl with his red eyes. Seeing those dangerous eyes of Rishabh, the girl trembled from within.

The very next moment, Rishabh lifted Anokhi in his arms. Seeing this gesture of his, all the people standing there started clapping smilingly and Anokhi started looking at Rishabh with moist eyes. There was a small smile on her lips behind the mask which Rishabh was also able to feel.

He took Anokhi on the escalator.  He saw Anokhi's moist eyes and pulled her closer to him. Anokhi hid her face in his chest and wrapped both her hands around his neck.

Out of the four bodyguards who had come with Rishabh, two of them went inside and two others stayed outside.

Rishabh took Anokhi directly to the clothing showroom. Anokhi's eyes widened seeing the beauty of each dress in the showroom.

Rishabh sat down on the sofa with Anokhi and made her sit on his lap, which made Anokhi feel very shy. she started getting up from his lap, Rishabh tightened his grip on her waist and said, "Where are you going?"

"I will sit on the sofa, right?"

"Why are you facing some problem here?" Rishabh asked staring at her and Anokhi said softly, "Everyone is watching. Leave me."

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