Chapter 54

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~Alexander De'Leon~

"Why didn't you call me and bring the girls to me immediately after you found out instead of just stressing me out for years and stripping my rights as a mother?!" She decides to speak, my long lost love...the one love that still burns but has complications and pride

Emily Octavia Stone

"They are my daughter's,my blood Emily. You had them for three years and didn't once mention their existence to were so irresponsible to the point where they actually got kidnapped at that young age Emily" I say calmly but I could feel myself burn up in anger, anger that's been in me since the very beginning.

Silence, she knows I'm right

"And now you have the nerve to ask me why I didn't tell you? Emily I-I loved you so much to the point where I was willing to start a whole freaking war for you. I was willing to burn down bridges, do anything to be with you but-" I paused thinking of my next words carefully as I know it still stings till this day that she left me

"But what? I chose to do the right thing?" She asks me and I chuckled

"You chose to stay in an sad arranged marriage, and pretend to not see what your so called husband is doing behind your back...something I would have never done, something I don't even do or have ever done to Gianna because despite everything and the love I had for you, I respect Gianna enough to not turn against her"I say continuing to forcus on where the helicopters heading

"You're talking about respect but you cheated on her with me" She says

"Gianna and I were ex's around the time you came into the picture, I never cheated on anyone. I was always loyal and trustworthy, you on the other hand were not" I say and just like that get slapped in the face causing me to look her way angrily but to my unfortunate surprise she was in tears, literal tears

I'm sorry. I wanted to say but I don't care much anymore to say

"I didn't cheat, I was in the middle of a freaking divorce" She says, the sound of her sad voice almost breaking my heart


"That doesn't excuse the fact that you fooled your husband into thinking that the twins are his when they're actually mine...and I thank all there is good that my family and Isis know everything, so you cannot use the treating them like outsiders excuse on me like you did the other night"I say and that's the twist.

Isis knows everything because she remembered everything, but Iris knows nothing till this day.

Isis figured it out around the age of ten and I found out the following night after Isis killed and stole my heart

Isis and Iris have brought nothing but joy into my life since I made sure the Stone's cannot track them down. Iris is Gianna's favorite, they do everything together and she loves Iris dearly.

Isis, oh my sweet little girl Isis is my's like she takes all the qualities of a De'Leon, she's like the male version of me but worse. She is a bit stressful to raise but she is amazing. Iris is my beautiful little princess and I barely spend time with her because Gianna always wants her with her which is why there's favoritism in our household but none the less my daughter's both got the love of their real father and a much less selfish mother.

"You raised six son's you don't need to complain about me raising my daughter's... If you ask me I did a good job, they are amazing and they have already accomplished billions of things" I say putting emphasis on billions

"I hate that you took them from me, they were my daughter's and I loved them" She says playing the victim

"I never took them from you Emily, they just found their way to me and I gave them the love and time that they deserved" I say as we near the warehouse where I see men in black and cars outside from a distance

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