𝟏. back to school

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BUTTERFLYAct One: Chapter One❝ Back To School ❞

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Act One: Chapter One
Back To School

"AND CAN WE HAVE ONE more cheeseburger, sorry," Delilah added, sending a glare to her brother who offered her a grateful smile after whispering for her to add one more.

While they waited by the till for their food to be given, she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel rhythmically. Hopeful that they'll play something other than her brother's house music, she handed her phone to the back. Much to her dismay, they didn't get the memo and just continued on to the playlist her brother created.

"Here you go," the worker handed them three bags, Delilah passed it to her brother who then passed it to the back. "Thank you and come again!"

The smell of burgers and fries filled the car, leading her to open the windows because she didn't want the car to smell like food. "Can you pass me my order?" she requested, her free hand waiting for a burger to be placed on.

"What's this?" A voice from behind her asked, the breathing dangerously close. "Can I have a bite?"

Delilah glared from the rear view mirror, nodding nonetheless. "Can I have a bite too, Dels?" Another voice asked until everyone just wanted her burger.

"One last bite, Dusty and then hand it over," she demanded, the car suddenly silent after her stomach growled.

Guilt overtook the curly-haired boy as he muttered an apology, handing over her burger. Delilah continued driving again, trying to take as much bites as she could when they reached a stop light. She quickly tucked the burger in the paper bag once the light turned green.

Hartley High was already filled with cars and bicycles, parents dropping their kids off and friends running to greet each other - mentally, she scoffed because it's not like they all didn't see each other during the holidays. Delilah pulled into the parking lot to park and ignored the rest of the remarks coming from the boys.

After a few minutes of moving back and forth, the brunette groaned in annoyance. She couldn't park when there were other cars. That and because she accidentally crashed into two cars while trying to park before. You can say it kinda traumatized her. It's a mystery how she still has her driver's license.

Butterfly, Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now