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"But this is wrong! I should be-"

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"But this is wrong! I should be-"

"Hush now! I ordered you as the prince to go back to your room Elizabeth!"

"Fine!" She stormed away following the other girls after she gave Zara an nasty look, this girl is so annoying I can't wait couple more days till I can make my pick and get this rubbish out of the way. I turned back to Zara who was standing next to me cluelessly.

"I've decided before lunch, we shall take a little walk." I held out my arm for her confused to what I was gesturing I grabbed hers and wrapped her hand around mines.

"This way." We walked out the palace, I showed her different artifacts and paintings.

I talked a little bit about my life and she spoke only a couple of words of hers.

From my judgements it seemed to be that she doesn't want me to really know of her family history or it wasn't good memories.

"And here is where we keep our garden." Her eyes lit up as I pointed out the flowers, she seemed to really like this part of the palace. She pointed out some of the flowers and told me how beautiful they are.

"This is wonderful your highness. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen before."

Your the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Thank you darling." I replied to her Just as she was about to reply one of my guards came over to me.

"Good evening your royal highness and mada-- you." His eyes squinted and his nose scrunched up."

He looked over at Zara who stood next to me, the tension between the two was super thick.

"Is there a problem?" I raised my eyebrow and looked back at the two.

"He hit me-." "No!" He cut her off as she was about to speak I tilted my head at her.

"What was that love?" I bent down a bit to her height as she had a horrid look in her eyes.

"Oh none sense she doesn't-" I raised my hand up to Max cutting him off.

"I asked her. Now hush, be respectful."

"My apologies." He lowered his head.

"He's... the one who slapped me that night, and called me a bitch."

She said lowly.

I pulled back slowly and looked over at him, he seemed to be scared.

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