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"Elliot, you cannot take her out without a royal's permission

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"Elliot, you cannot take her out without a royal's permission. She could've ran away, been kidnapped-."

"Jasper please, just stop. You talking rubbish. Did you forget I'm a royal you donkey!" He threw a pillow at the back of my head, we both let out a chuckle.

"Well next time ask me, she's my princess too you know." I nodded as I unbuttoned my shirt. He let out a scoff and I looked back at him.

"What?" I tilted my head.

"Your so... jelly over this girl. It's quite amusing brother, she has you by your balls and you don't even see it!" He pointed at me and laughed. I rolled my eyes and turned to him, holding out my arms so my dresser could help.

"You will be the same way once you find someone for yourself as well. I can't wait till this shit is over with so I can make my choice. Having to spend time with the other ladies is... scary."

"How so ?"

"They stare at me like a peace of meat, one of them leaped into my lap, bends down acting as if they dropped something. Some just talk about spending money and vacations, Elizabeth she's just.... I don't know. She's crazy as a bat! To think mother is expecting me to court her is absolutely insane Elliot I just.... I don't know."

"Well then... that does sound like a bloody nightmare." He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.


"Well, couple more days brother. Just hang tight."

"I'll try."

"Yeah, well good night. See you tomorrow evening yes?"

"Mhm, goodnight brother." I was finally finished getting ready for the night, I quickly did my hygiene.

"Alright everyone out of my room, goodnight to you all."

"Goodnight your highness." My staff all said on cue. I shut off the light and laid in my bed, I tossed and turned for quite sometime my mind was steady on Zara. Her smile replayed in my head over and over, along with the way she was eating.

I chuckled and finally my eyes began to be heavy.



"Where are you going Elizabeth?" Anastasia whispered as Elizabeth crept out of bed.

"To win the prince's heart."

"But we're all competing--."

"No! I'm the only one he sees in his eye! None of you else matter! I shall be the next queen, if you, her, her, or her! Try to stop it I swear I'll make you want to slit your throats!" Elizabeth pointed to each girl that was in her room.

"Okay Elizabeth." Anastasia sighed in defeat. She turned back over and went to sleep.

"That's what I thought."

Elizabeth nodded her head and tied her robe, she slipped on her shoes and patted her way through out the palace.

Everyone was asleep but the night guardsmen that stood outside.

Elizabeth couldn't help but become excited as the aroused thoughts flooded her head.

She finally reached Prince Jaspers room, she stood before pushing his door open.

She dusted the imaginary dust off of her robe and fluffed out her pinned up curls.

"Okay. Time to secure the crown." She murmured to herself. She gently pushed the door open, to her surprise but liking the room was extremely dark. She walked over to where jaspers light snores were coming from her left.

Elizabeth dropped her robe and gently shimmy out of it, and carefully crept into prince Jasper's bed.

The bed a little bit, not too much, but just a little bit she pulled up the covers and slid right under them.

She engulfed his sent of his expensive cologne and she sighed out in satisfaction. Prince Jasper slept only in his underwear, he hated wearing the traditional pajamas to sleep.

She took her hand and ran it through his jet black hair, he twitched a bit but relaxed again. He pulled himself further and smacked his lips in his sleep. She turned her face up at this.

"Okay, playing hard to get." She slid under the blanket and down to jaspers boxers, she felt around on him till she was met with his waist band.

She gently tugged them down and was met with a naked Jasper, she opened her mouth and her eyes widened. She took ahold of him and wrapped her mouth around him, groaning.

Jasper jolted and snatched the cover off of himself and began to kick his legs outrageously.

Kicking Elizabeth in the jaw she yelped out.

"OUCH!" She took a tumble onto ground causing a loud thump.

"WHO ARE YOU-" Jasper was cut off once he switched the light on and saw a naked Elizabeth on his floor, he then looked down at himself and hurriedly pulled up his boxers.

"ARE YOU MAD! WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS!" He boomed throughout his room.

"Jasper, why would you hit me!" She screamed back at him.

"Why are you intruding my sleep woman! W-where are you clothes! Why are you here!"

"You know exactly why I am here! I am your future queen! So start acting like it!" She stood up quickly and picked up her robe.

Jasper didn't even know what to say, he was in utterly shock just by what had happened in the moment.

He pushed a side button on his nightstand and immediately guards came rushing into his room. Along with his brother, mother, and father.

"What is going on here? Elizabeth! Darling where are your clothes!" The queen squealed, she pulled off of her much bigger robe and wrapped it around Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked around the room and began to cry histerically.

"J-Jasper invited me into his room tonight. I came the way he said to come, he got angry when I didn't want to perform such acts upon him and he hit-- he hit me!"

Everyone's eyes shifted back onto Jasper, he stared at her wide eyed in complete disbelief.
"She's a liar! I have no such interest with this... THIS WHORE! BLOODY ELIZABETH!

"Whore!!!?" She stopped her tears immediately and wailing and looked at him with hatred in her eyes.

"You bitch! I have no interest in you at all! I have my eyes on one girl. One girl only! This COURTING IS OVER! I SHALL PICK MY PRINCESS TOMMOROW!"


"But sire-

"I said out!"












Authors note: Bloody Elizabeth.

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