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"... you know I never mean to scare you. Sometimes daddy... has big feelings and your mummy she stresses me out."

"Yes, I know sometimes mummy is really mean to bubba and bubby I always hear her yell at them especially during tea time."

"Im dearly sorry pumpkin."

"It's okay." I looked up at my father, his baby blue eyes and his gray hairs shine in the sun. I always say my father is my first love... not in a weird way. I hope to meet a man who loves and adores me as much as him.

"Father, have you seen bubby's new princess?" I held his hand as we walked through the flower garden. He let out a small chuckle and squeezed my hand.

"I've seen pictures of her, she's absolutely stunning. I haven't got to speak to her yet but there's something about her that makes your brother go mad!" He laughed.

"Just look at the way he talks about her. He gets so defensive over her... although I'm happy Jasper is making his own choice. I still can't help but to worry over the future princess's motives... you know your brother has a history of picking... rotten women."

"Can I meet her?" He looked down at me his eyebrows furrowed.

"How about we ask your big brother? I'm pretty sure he will say yes."

"Okay! I will look forward to seeing him during lunch."






I woke up in the dark room where I remember being told to lay

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I woke up in the dark room where I remember being told to lay.

I'm starting to really like Jasper but last night I seen... a different side to him. I guess it's his "rebel" side since they do Call him that.

He was more... bossy.

He reminded me of a DEAN.

For some reason it kind of turned me on. I liked it... is it a bad thing? Until his mean self yelled at me.

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