two, "i love you."

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TWO — real life

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TWO — real life .

toxic. But, they hadn't always been that way with each other, at one point they were in love with one another. Pure love, the type that made your friends wish they had a significant other, just so they could love them like how the two girls had loved each other, it was true love until something had happened that threw everything off for the two girls.

The final straw was Kendall Nicolas going on her first tour.

She wasn't around Paige every day like she had used to be, it was damaging for the two girls, arguments would occur until 5 in the morning, or until Kendall would break down sobbing, begging Paige not to leave her, because she wasn't doing anything wrong, but the basketball player didn't want to believe that.

Many didn't understand why, the two girls even stayed together, they weren't happy anymore, always arguing, and accusing each other of cheating, but the two would just say that they loved each other, and didn't want to break up, that was until Kendall had gotten the news from her best friend, that Paige had torn her ACL, she was completely devastated that her girlfriend didn't even tell her, that was the cause of their break up.

During that time, she was in Europe on tour, trying not to worry about her ex-girlfriend, Paige's recovery, because they were broken up. No contact didn't last long though, they always ended up falling asleep on the phone every night, but they lied to everyone, claiming that they weren't talking to each other.

They had gotten back together when Kendall had returned to the States, and at first, they were doing okay, until one night when Paige got suspicious of her girlfriend, and went through the singer's phone, while she was asleep, finding out that she had been messing with other people, when they were BROKEN up, that had caused the second break up.

It had only taken a week, after blocking each other on everything, and saying they were done with each other, before they were back together, claiming that this time would be different.

Spoiler alert, It wasn't.

The no contact never worked for the two girls, one would always end up crumbling and texting the other, begging to see them or needing to hear their voice, and it would always work, that was until Kendall had gotten 'tired' of it, and blocked the girls phone number.

She had found herself in a good place for once, since the start of the tour, she had stayed in New York with her childhood best friend, Opal Lewis, and was finally away from her ex-girlfriend, so she had started dating someone, but it didn't last long, because Paige had called Opal, begging to talk to Kendall, because she needed her.

Long story short, she unblocked her.

They were doing fine, getting back together for the fourth time, both doing better than they ever had before, mentally and physically, actually loving each other this time, while that was until Paige had got caught up in something, and multiple screenshots were sent to the musician from some random girl, completely ending their relationship, Kendall had even deleted her phone number.

She had moved back to New York with her best friend, this time she thought it might have been permanent, due to her love for the city, that was until Paige had surprised her for Christmas break, she begged her to come back to Connecticut, even claiming that she would change, and delete every girl in her phone, and even after all of the healing she had went through from the cheating, and the arguments, she had gone back.

It was a never-ending cycle for the two girls, they would break up, and end up blocking each other, claiming that they were done with each other, and then they would hang out, have make-up sex, and get back together.

kendall had no longer adored the indescribable feeling of being in love with the basketball player — especially, since all the two girls would do was fight and argue for hours with each other, every single day, no matter if they were dating, or broken up with each other, and supposed to be on no contact, they would still argue with each other over the dumbest things.

But, deep down, all she ever wanted was for Paige to actually change, and show actual effort in their relationship, and she just wouldn't, or maybe she knew that the singer wouldn't ever actually completely leave her, but currently all Kendall wanted was to give her another chance, because she truly missed her, and loved her more than anything.

The tall blonde paced around the dark bedroom of her ex-girlfriend, her sock-covered feet practically burning a hole in the carpeted flooring, she had arrived at the apartment 15 minutes ago — and still hadn't spoken to her.

Kendall stared at her ex-girlfriend with a soft expression, watching as she moved her hands from the top of her head to her hips at least 4 or 5 times. "Do you even love me, anymore?" Paige asked in a quiet tone, finally stopping her fast pacing at the end of the blonde singer's bed.

That question was something that she hadn't expected to be asked, she sat there staring into the blue eyes that softly looked at her. "Paige, of course, I love you, what type of question is that?" She defended herself, lifting her arms out for the blonde basketball player to crawl into, which she quickly did.

The two girls laid there wrapped up in the opposing girl's arms, nothing mattered in this world anymore — because they had each other. "I just missed you, baby, and you haven't hit me up in a while," Paige whispered, looking up at the girl, who was already fast asleep, and the bags underneath her eyes softly disappearing with the presence of Paige.

They would never be completely done with each other, because of this feeling.

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AUTHORS NOTE — 💌the first real chapter of this book, and I definitely based their relationship off me and my first loves

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the first real chapter of this book,
and I definitely based their relationship
off me and my first loves..

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