Single Point Of Failure Part 3

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As the duo were making their way to the carpark where Happy was waiting for them, Toby decided that it would be the perfect time for him to call his Ex. Alexa, not wanting to eavesdrop on the call, sped up and reached the car before Toby, quickly jumping into the passenger seat. 

Alexa and Happy smiling once at each other before falling into a comfortable silence, which was soon broken by Toby as he reached the car. 

"Third message. Just want to reiterate, I am making real money now. Can start to re-pay you. Even if you're seeing someone. It's totally immaterial." Alexa leans towards Happy and honks the car horn, promoting Toby to finish his phone call. They had places to be after all. "You can call me back anytime."

Toby jumps into the back seat, "She's not getting back with you." Happy interjects, Alexa smiling sadly, knowing the story that would follow. Toby began to put his seatbelt on.

"Look, people only let you down. Sooner you realize that, the better. That's a cynical worldview. When I was two, my dad took me to St. Luke's, handed me to a nurse and said, 'Find her a good home.' Thanks to how my brain works, I remember every moment of it. So 25 years later, I'm not cynical... I'm smart. You put a quarter-inch wrench on a quarter-inch bolt, it works. Tools don't let you down. Only people do."

"Spending your life scared to connect to anyone isn't any way to live." Toby informed Happy.

The laptop on Happy's lap beeped, pulling the group from the conversation. "Software just picked up Jed Hausler's license plate. Let's go find his car." Happy shuts the laptop screen and passes it to Alexa to hold on to. 

They begin circling the car park, keeping an eye out for Jed Hausler's car. "Okay, you guys ready?"

"Almost, we're looking for the car now." Alexa supplied to Walter as they  continued looking. Not long later, they had spotted the car. "There!" 

Happy promptly crashed their car into Jed's car, the car started beeping instantly. Distraction successfully underway. They all jumped out of the cars and pretended to be surprised about the crash.

It wasn't long before a security guard ran over to the three, having heard the commotion. Alexa immediately taking the lead. Sauntering over to Security Guard, "Excuse me, my wife is the world's worst driver."

She smiled at the security man, "Find out who owns this car would you?" She turned on he heel and walked over to Happy, kissed her on the lips. Keeping up the guise. Happy played along and kissed her back.

"So hot." She heard Toby breath out.

They both stood hand in hand looking towards the security guy who hasn't moved yet. "Chop Chop." Happy prompted. The security man was jostled out of his stupor and immediately fumbled for his radio and began to find out who owned the car. 

In their ear pieces, they could hear that Jed had made his way out of the building and was quickly approaching the car park. 

"Ooh, he looks angry. Perfect" Toby whispered to the two as Jed stormed up to them. 

"What the hell did you do to my car?" Jed sneered at Alexa, who just scoffed in his face.

"Not me. Him!" Happy exclaimed, placing the blame on Toby. Alexa was grateful, she much preferred physical fights over verbal ones. She didn't know if she could restrain herself from decking the man. 

Catching on, Toby cut in. "Who was driving?"

"You distracted me!" Happy retaliated. 

"Oh, talking is a distraction?"

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