Chapter 2 - Introductions

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Bold: Time/Location
Italic: Character Thoughts/Internal Monologue
Underline: Author's Note(s)

The Fridge - S.T.R.I.K.E. operations base in the Arctic

Director Black guided James to the infirmary, providing him with his metal hand and a fresh uniform. After getting equipped, they made their way to the hangar where the aforementioned surprise was waiting. The doors to the hangar opened, revealing it to be busy as usual. Something caught James' eye, a black IS unit in a socket by the back wall. He began to feel...unsettled, like there was something dark building within him. He looked back at director Black who simply motioned his hand forward at the IS. Complying, he turned forward to face it and approached. As he got closer, he noticed it was a typical 2nd generation design, but something about it. There didn't appear to be any weapons whatsoever. The matte black armor of the IS was extremely blocky, it seemed to have a heavy emphasis on armor and defense rather than agility. Even so, it had an avian-like design with bulbous curves by the lower torso and sides. The S.T.R.I.K.E. logo adorned the round but bulky shoulder plates, and the pilot position of the suit was equipped with a full seal helmet reminiscent of a soldier's helmet, not something commonly found among IS units.

"What do you think?" asked the director, standing a few feet behind him. "Where is the armament sir?" James asked in response, his tone indicating he was not enthused or impressed with it. He stepped forward and placed his hand on James' shoulder. "You get to pick them." The boy's blue eyes widened as he swiftly looked over to his boss. "...I get to pick? I thought only women could fly these repulsive creations?" Director Black frowned slightly at that last part. "We got our hands on an IS core some time back, we've been working while you've been under to see if we can crack the code. We've managed to figure out how to completely reconfigure its weapons loadout and armor, as well as bypass the gender restriction, but we can't duplicate it for some unknown reason. Given your history with IS units, I thought it would be smart to make you the first male pilot in the world." James closed his eyes, attempting to block out the memory of his trauma when the director mentioned his experience with IS. 

Clenching his one normal hand and his other metal one into fists, he saw no error in his boss' logic. "What would I even need this for sir?" he said, clearly annoyed. "We need you to infiltrate the academy in Japan. Given that it's such a hot spot for new generations of IS pilots and technology, we need you to spend three or four years there gathering as much information and threat assessment as you can. Since Japan is not affiliated with S.T.R.I.K.E., we cannot provide any tactical assistance to you directly unless a situation occurs which requires us to take drastic measures. We would be sending you in as a representative contender of the United States in next year's first semester. We've already cleared it with the academy through the American administration." James crossed his arms in front of him, trying to fully understand his orders. "Sir, first of all, how am I supposed to do my job if I'm the first male in the entire planet who can use an IS? That doesn't allow me a level of discretion I'd like. Secondly, what happens if I am discovered? Is there an extraction plan?" The director placed his hand on the young agent's shoulder. "Be as discrete as you can, I know that's a tall order. If for whatever reason you need extraction, we can keep in regular contact with a communications device embedded in your hand. And above all else, avoid using lethal force unless absolutely necessary." director Black said with emphasis on the last bit. James asked the head of S.T.R.I.K.E. one last thing: "Do I get to name it?" The director gave a light smile in response.

Timeskip 1 year - Japan Infinite Stratos Academy

"Man, I am in WAY over my head..." Ichika thought to himself. He expected his first day to be rough, but he was completely unprepared for being the only male in the school. After returning to class after lunch, his sister Chifuyu began to address the students in the room. "Two weeks from today, you'll be asked to choose your representative for the class tournament. A class representative not only competes in the tournament, but also attends student council meetings and committee meetings. Essentially it's your class leader, okay? I will now take nominations. Any suggestions?" she stated in her usual firm and confident voice. Right as she finished speaking however, a loud buzzing reminiscent of a helicopter became audible to the students. Chifuyu gazed out the window with her auburn eyes, spotting a large black jet slowly hovering over the campus outside. "Hold that thought." she told the students, as they all spotted the jet as well. They observed the craft slowly rotate the rear toward the campus, giving them all a clear view of the entryway. The cockpit module of the craft shifted down as the rest of the body angled back toward the aft, appearing as if the jet had hunched slightly. Three groups of landing gear deployed as it descended toward the ground, with the wingtips near the VTOL fans folding downward becoming vertically parallel with the wings. The jet touched the ground with a thud, and the two large fans and jet engines powered off. "Stay here everyone, I'll go see what that's about." Chifuyu said with annoyance at being interrupted, walking out the door and going outside to approach the jet.

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