Chapter 10 - From The Shadows

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Bold: Time/Location
Italic: Character Thoughts/Internal Monologue
Underline: Author's Note(s)

Jumpjet Interior - James' POV

"Shit." I stated my signature catchphrase in my head. I didn't think this day could get worse than it already was, but I was proven wrong by this British girl sneaking her way onto something she definitely wasn't supposed to see. I walked over to one of the seats, quickly pulling a pistol of the same type Ms. Orimura confiscated from me from below the stowage compartment. Without hesitation, I aimed it at Cecilia as the weapon hummed to life when I disabled the safety. I could see her confused face evolve into horror in the darkness of the cabin as she froze when I pointed the barrel at her. "I must be getting sloppy. Haven't had my cover blown in a while." She angrily began to summon her IS, and after a few seconds passed, she gasped as Blue Tears was nowhere to be found. "Summoning your IS won't work in here, this plane is specifically designed for containing individuals such as yourself." I informed her in my usual tone of voice. "Mr. Riker, I demand you answer my question!" she commanded, straying from her usual form of addressing me as of late.

"I can't do that Cecilia. The protocol for this situation is to terminate liabilities that could reveal my cover to hostile forces." I raised the weapon slightly at her, Cecilia beginning to slowly step backwards in response. Of course, she was unaware that the pistol was non-lethal. "W-wait...please wait!" she began to cry. I hesitated, wanting to hear her out. I could at least do that much after my outburst in the cafeteria. Slightly lowering my gun, I waited for her to continue. "Please...if you're going to kill me, will you at least tell me why you are here?" her voice shook with every word. Hesitating once again, I tried my very best to think of a loophole out of this situation where I could tell her without revealing myself to the academy. Even though I had no intent of harming her, I decided to answer. "Very well. Please, sit down." I gestured with my left hand to one of the seats, which she nervously agreed to sit upon. Continuing to aim my pistol at her, I began to explain. "My mission here was to evaluate the danger presented by IS technology and their pilots in particular, and report back to my agency so they can create countermeasures." She seemed confused by this at first, but slowly began to understand as evident by the look of frustration and betrayal that had started to form on her face.

"These past few days, you were just simply spying on us?" she inquired in a clearly heartbroken tone. For some reason, I had a difficult time answering her question. I thought about it for a few moments before finally answering. "No. My main goal was to gather information, but everything I did for you and Ichika was genuine. I have no intentions of hurting any of you." She appeared somewhat conflicted when I gave my answer. She shut her eyes, probably still trying to grasp the situation. Opening them after a few seconds, she looked at me and asked "Were you ordered to kill any of us?" That answer was easy, so I responded. "Only if deemed necessary." "Is killing me necessary? Would you have killed any of us if it was necessary?!" she angrily asked. That question however, was significantly harder to answer. I looked down, contemplating if I really would have the strength to kill any of the people I've come to know. Moments passed as she just stared at me, awaiting an answer. Finally giving it, I looked her in the eyes and said "Yes." she recoiled at my answer, shocked that I could be so cold from her perspective.

This made me more uncomfortable than any assignment had prior. On the one hand, I hated having to lie, to make her hurt like this. On the other hand, I knew of dangers and threats that she didn't, and I had to be the one strong enough to face them regardless of how others felt. " are so heartless." she coldly insulted me. Just like back in the cafeteria, I felt my emotions begin to overcome my discipline. "All this time, you've just been using us?!" What she said cut deeper than I thought it would, and I felt a lump form in my throat when I spoke her name. "Cecilia-" "You will refer to me as Ms. Alcott!" she yelled, quickly rising from her seat with a tear falling down her cheek. I stood there sadly, but that sadness was replaced with hope when I realized a solution to the problem. Lowering my gun, I began to address her. "Ms. Alcott...I am not going to kill you, but I cannot allow you to inform the others of my purpose here. I may know a way to bypass removing you from the equation." Cecilia curiously raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms in front of her. I walked over to the communications terminal at the neck of the cabin which connected the cockpit to the fuselage. "Come here please." I asked her. She hesitantly agreed, glaring daggers at me as she walked toward me.

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