Chapter 13 - First Match

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Bold: Time/Location
Italic: Character Thoughts/Internal Monologue
Underline: Author's Note(s)

Cafeteria - No POV

A pair of days had passed since James had finally told Cecilia everything about what happened to him. To say things had been slightly awkward between the two since then would be an understatement. They wouldn't say much to each other when they ran into each other in the gym in the mornings or during classes. Despite the discomfort, Cecilia made it a point for herself to be near him as much as possible during times like lunch or after school. It was the day of the first class league match for the academy and the two were enjoying a quiet lunch in the cafeteria. Finally deciding to break the ice, she gleefully asked him "Would you like to watch the first class league match today with me James? I'm sure they'll put on a good show." as if nothing had happened a few nights ago.

Truthfully, James had no taste for competitive IS matches in the same regard that most of the others did. It was no secret to Cecilia that he did not share her opinion on IS technology, but even so, he thought it would be a nice way to socialize and learn more about the various IS users at the academy to further his mission's efforts. Swallowing a lump of rice before he spoke, James answered "I don't see why not. I guess I'm overdue for a bit of relaxation." "Oh I'm so delighted to hear that! Shall we meet ten minutes before the first match?" "Sounds good." James wasn't as enthused as she was, but agreed nonetheless. Noticing his disinterest at her attempt to spend more time with him, she decided a more interrogative approach would make it easier. "James dear, may I ask you some questions about your family and life back home? I suddenly realized I don't know all that much about you." James' eyes darted over to the inquisitive British girl upon hearing her question.

Talking about his personal life wasn't traumatic by any means, but he's known for a while that he hasn't really had much of a personal life. Most of his time was spent training at a S.T.R.I.K.E. base or on assignment. Obviously he hadn't been an agent all of his life, so he was able to answer some of her questions. Setting his cutlery on his tray, he agreed to her request. "Ask away." Cecilia placed hand on her chin in contemplation of what she should ask first. "What was your life at home like? Do you have any siblings or friends back home that miss you?" James thought about it for a moment and then replied "I'm an only child, although I've always wanted a brother. The only people that miss me right now I'd say are my parents. They know about what I do and the last time we spoke, they weren't exactly happy about it... Other than that, I grew up pretty normal. High school, a tiny bit of college, and while I was in college the agency offered me a job." Cecilia looked on in curiosity at every word, but by the end was slightly disappointed at the lack of any depth in his story.

Suddenly her face lit up as an idea rung in her head. " you...have anyone special back home?" she asked shyly from the implication of the question. "Do you mean a girlfriend?" he filled in the blanks. All Cecilia could do was eagerly nod in affirmation, not trusting her voice to hide her interest. Sighing, he responded "No, my line of work really hasn't allowed me to pursue that kind of relationship with someone. It's one of the few things I regret about my job." To say she was overwhelmed with joy and hope wouldn't be enough of a description for how she felt in that moment. She welcomed the new sense of determination and vigor within her when hearing his answer. In an instant however, she caught herself realizing that she was feeling this way and began to turn a bright red. When she froze up after he answered, James started to get concerned and asked "Cecilia? Are you okay?" Broken from her panic, she responded in a fluster "Yes I am! Why do you ask dear?" while nervously rubbing the back of her neck. "You seemed to be turning red." he casually replied. "I assure you I am quite alright! No need to worry about me!" she tried to downplay her reaction as much as she could. James simply shrugged and continued to eat.

Unyielding Resolve - Cecilia Alcott x OCWhere stories live. Discover now