Chapter 21 - Escape

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Bold: Time/Location
Italic: Character Thoughts/Internal Monologue
Underline: Author's Note(s)

Abandoned Scorpion Base - No POV

The sound of a large explosion echoed throughout the jungle on the island. Large flocks of nearby birds ascended from the treeline due to being startled by such a loud noise, and various other animals fled from the direction of the sound. Just as the guards had finished unlatching the door, James soared through the now smoking hole he had blown through the concrete wall of the base. As he flew through the air away from the base, Ramona followed two female guards into the room which until now held James captive. Ramona observed him through the hole in the wall, while the two guards simply stared at her, waiting for orders. Ramona smiled slightly and ordered "Make him bleed."

The amount of pain James was in was slowly starting to overwhelm him beyond the point of being able to pilot Black Eagle. Even so, he pushed his IS to the maximum limits toward the sun, which was slowly rising above the ocean. He didn't get very far before two large explosions erupted in his flight path, forcing him to stop. He angled his IS vertically in the air, and spun around to face the two guards which had caught up to him. Both of them had their own IS suits.

The first one appeared to be a modified Rafale Revive manufactured by the Dunois corporation. Unlike the current mass produced version, this one had dark gray armor with a blood red skull painted onto the chestplate, and the armor seemed significantly bulkier. The other was a type James hadn't seen before, which had a very skeletal looking appearance. It was larger than the Rafale Revive and had been painted in a silver chrome color scheme, with various bits of magenta lines on the arms and upper legs. The most distinguishable feature was a large anchor attached to an energy chain coming from its back, and the chain glowed bright red.

"Damn it, I'm in no shape to fight...if there was ground, I'd be able to end this in a second, but there's no way in hell I'm going back to that island. That's right where they want me..." James worried in his head. "You might as well make this easy on yourself and just surrender. There's no chance you can beat us both." the pilot in the Rafale Revive spoke. James stared her down and observed her features. She had dark tan skin, dark green eyes, and short pitch black hair styled like a boy's. He then turned his head to the other who had pale white skin, neck-length olive green hair, and bright blue eyes.

"Unless there's service back at that lousy excuse for a hotel...then you can forget it." James responded while coughing a few times, with his voice sounding robotic from the helmet's speaker. "How disappointing. Very well then, prepare yourself for more pain." the pilot in the skeleton-looking IS added on, with her voice being much lower pitched and monotone compared to her teammate's. With no warning, James quickly rose his suit's right arm and unloaded onto the pilot in the Rafale Revive with his gatling cannon while flying backwards to get some distance.

This forced his target to evade the shots, while her teammate began to spin the anchor attached to the chain to her side, getting ready to throw it at James. She charged at him with incredible speed and swung the anchor parallel with the horizon toward his left side. James didn't expect that the chain would get longer, as his plan was to force the pilot of the Dunois-made IS on the defensive and outmaneuver the pilot with the melee weapon. There was no time to dodge, and the metal anchor fiercely impacted with his IS, causing him to yell out loudly in pain and fall toward the ocean.

A massive dent was now present in his chestplate, and right before he was about to hit the water, he managed to reorient his body, pointing his feet downward and slowed his descent. Quickly coming to a stop above the sea, he looked up to see his initial target speeding toward him while she held a shotgun of some kind. Right as he lifted his arm to fire at her, he noticed the anchor coming his way again from above him. After barely managing to avoid it by flying to the right, he unfortunately played right into her hands by getting closer to the shotgun-wielding pilot.

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