New Beginnings

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Kaylee Shores

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Kaylee Shores

I walked back inside with my makeup clearly ruined. Destiny saw me walk in and got up to hug me.

"Oh Kaylee im so so sorry" she really meant it and I could tell. She hugged me tight and didn't say anything for a minute. My mascara now staining her white hoodie.

I wanted to get out of this stupid Chipotle. I wanted to get out of this stupid town. I sat down and played with my bowl a little, it sat uneaten. I wasn't really hungry anymore. Destiny stared at me concerned.

The 3 basketball players were getting up to leave when one of them noticed my running mascara.

"Hey girl are you alright?" The one with braids said. Her teammates stopped and looked at me, suddenly interested.

"Yeah sorry um I just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me." I don't know why I opened up to them. I didn't even know them. The girl with the slick back pony tail looked at Destiny and suddenly smiled a bit.

"Destiny? Yo it's Nika! We had that one class together freshman year!" She said. Destiny looked at her for a second then smiled back.

"Oh my gosh! Yes we had professor Hicks! God I hated him he was so annoying! We would just sit next to each-other and make fun of his stupid jokes! It's so nice to see you again!" They pulled each-other into a hug.

"I didn't realize you were on the team! Oh my gosh!" Destiny said again. We just dropped the subject of my cheater girlfriend and I was kinda glad. I didn't wanna talk about her.

"Hey you guys should come to this party tonight! It's at a club downtown! Maybe it could get your mind of things you know?" Nika suggested. Destiny looked at me. My eyes were telling her NO NO NO. I hated parties.

"Yeah we'll be there for sure! By the way this is Kaylee, my cousin." Dammit Destiny why did you have to be such a party girl.

"That's Aaliyah," Nika said. She was the one with yellow braids, "and that's Q" she motioned to the one with buns in. They both smiled.

"Here give me your number so I can text you the details" Nika said to Destiny.

After that they said goodbyes and left.

"What the hell Destiny! You know I hate parties!?" I said at her hitting her a little. She just smiled.

"I know I know, but it will get your mind off things. Maybe you'll even meet someone new!" She said.

"What if I don't want to meet someone new?" I told her. And it was true, i didn't want to move on.

"Kaylee, what Jess did to you was awful. You are NOT getting her back. You deserve so much better. And I'm not letting you spend your senior year moping around about her. Tonight we are going to that party, having fun, and you are going to meet someone new."

I guess Destiny was right. Maybe it was time to start going out more and having fun. Maybe I should make the most of my senior year.

"Fine but I'm only staying for two hours." I said. She smiled and picked up her phone.

"Nika said the party is at 9. So we can finish up here and then go home and get ready." Right now it was 5:30 so we have plenty of time.

"I don't have anything to wear!" I exclaimed. She smirked that smirk she does when she has an idea.

"Girl you are asking just the right person. You can wear something from my closet." Destiny said. I guess I hadn't thought of that.

We finished up our food and headed out.

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