Chapter 1 : Agent Hope

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Warning : Contains gore and mention of rape.


"Open your damn eyes connard." I gritted through my teeth harshly at the half-conscious man sprawled at my feet.

I kicked him in the groin which made his eyes open like saucers.

"Now that you are awake from your slumber" I cocked an eyebrow at him and motioned for him to stand up.

Stumbling on his steps and swaying slightly, I cursed Jay, in my mind for giving this guy such a strong dose of Benzodiazepine.

He was just suppose to make him unconscious for a few hours not for days.
I will strangle that idiot.

The man infront of me, Rohan Sharma is in his mid-thirties and has a crime record of molestations, sexual harrasment and physical abuse towards his own family and on top of all that, he also as an affair despite being married and having two teen daughters.

I grabbed him by his collar and laid emphasis on every word that I spoke, "You are nothing but a waste of space and oxygen. For people as useless like you, our organisation exists so that we can wipe the existence of your kind from this planet." I shoved him back harshly and he pathetically fell on his knees.

"You are a monster-" My knee met his jaw very aggressively which caused him to cough out blood.

And his rotten teeths too. Ew

The effects of the drugs were finally wearing off and now that bastard had the balls to glare at me.

I am going to end him.

With one last kick to his stomach, he curled himself into a fetal position. I scoffed at him and grabbed him by his collar to a nearby chair, tying both of his hands to the armrest and feets to the legs of the wooden chair.

He is too weak to even defend himself. A pout formed on my face while thinking about how this was going to be so boring.

We were in the prison cells of the Organisation that I work for, FREEDOM
a special branch of spys, agents, cops and tech team which was made by the government of India to stop the excessively growing crime rate without the involvement of the laws.

We all know that the punishments, which are sentenced to the people convicted of crimes like rape and murder, are a joke.

FREEDOM decided to take matter into their hands and eradicate the scums from this planet.

The room was very dimly lit and reeked of blood.

I walked towards the table that was kept beside where my target was tied up, opening its drawer a smile broke out on my face at which Rohan looked at me in confusion.

Deciding to kill his curiosity, I took out the drawer and showed him the contents that it contained.

His face paled.

The drawer contained all sorts of daggers and knives along with guns and also, a chainsaw.

"What ? Don't you like my collection ?" I asked in a fake and annoyingly sweet voice.

"Y-You are crazy! L-Let me g-go!" Rohan started thrashing and squirming, trying to break free of his restraints but oh goodness I tied him up so neatly that he will bruise his skin and still wouldn't be able to loosen the ropes.

Aren't I so good at my job.

"Yes, I am the crazy one here. Sure. Now be quiet and let me choose what weapon I should grace your unworthy self with." He screamed for help and continued to thrash and turn but to no avail.

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