Chapter 5 : Mine

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She truly was divine beauty embodied.

The street light dimly shone on her face as the wind around us blew her hair softly.

God, my heart.

I sucked in a breathe because suddenly my body had forgotten how to respire.

I finally regained my senses when I saw her turning around to leave.

"I will walk you home." Her body stiffened for a moment but then she nodded slightly.

It was not a matter of choice. I would have ensured her safety back to her home, even if she had declined.

Ordering my men to return back to Devansh, I walked up to stand beside her small frame.

Glancing at the emptying street infront of us, I took off my hood and let the midnight air caress my face softly.

We began moving in silence under the starry night as the winds graced me by blowing her brown locks.

In all honesty, I was entranced by her beauty.

The way her plump lips had formed into a small pout as her doe like eyes looked straight ahead. Her long chocolate brown hairs flowed gracefully behind her back.

I should stop ogling at her.

She is ethereal.

"What's your name ?" I called out softly not wanting to startle her in anyway.

The silence was comfortable and it's not like I wanted to hear her voice again.

It was definitely not the latter.

"Shivangi Chandravanshi." Her voice was laced with softness and innocence.


A synonym for Durga ji and Parvati ji ( who is the Hindu Goddess of Love ).

Then in that sense, she is basically the goddess of love.

And I, shall be her devotee till the end of time.

As pure as love and as beautiful as the moon, Shivangi Chandravanshi has bewitched my body and soul.

"Si belle." Was all I could mutter despite the countless praises I had for her.

"What's your name ?" My babygirl looked up at me and I swear the urge to just kidnap and hide her away from this cruel world surged through my veins.

"I am Adhiraaj Singh Rajvansh." A known look passed over her face.

She knew who I was.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She mockedly bowed her head a little as I cocked up an eyebrow at her tactics. Amusement clear in my eyes.

"So you are aware of who I am ?" Her response came in the form of a scoff.

"Who doesn't knows about THE Rajvansh ?" Came out her reply.

I simply nodded and silence fell upon us once again.

A building came into our sight and I glanced at Shivangi for the 50th time today just to see a huge smile on her face.

She is going to kill me I swear to god.

It should be illegal to be this Angelic.

I immediately looked infront a sudden heat crawling up my neck to find the person who may be behind her beautiful smile.

No one was worthy enough to witness her smile.

And damn me if I don't spend my entire life making myself worthy of her.

I looked at her with a questioning look in her eyes to which she replied back with one of her own.

"What ? Can't a girl get excited about going to sleep ?"

I almost had beef with a bed.

Shaking my head, a smile smile graced my lips.

She really is something else.

Suddenly her phone rang, she picked it up and let out a small laugh.

Only if I could bottle that sound and get drunk on it every night.

She was probably talking to one of her aunties and consoling her while telling her that she was fine.

Hanging up the call, Shivangi closed her eyes and joined her hands together and prayed for the well being of the person to whom she was talking.

I was astonished to say the least. This girl infront of me was beautiful inside and out.

I am going to wife her up.

She opened her eyes and got startled a little bit almost as if she had forgotten that I was here too.

She looked ahead and started walking. Soon we reached her apartment's gate as she turned around to thank me.

I couldn't let her go just yet.

And before I could even comprehend those words had left my lips.

"Will you be my wife ?" And she choked on air.

I immediately went behind her and rubbed her back, barking at the watchman to bring a bottle of water.

The poor man got up and ran inside to bring water, handing it to me.

I brought the mouth of the water to her lips as she gulped down the cold liquid.

"Are you okay, love ?" I asked after giving her my hankerchief to dry her lips.

"Um yes yes I am fine. I just thought I heard you say something." Shivangi chuckled nervously as she wiped the trail of water that was slowing reaching her chin.

My eyes fell upon the lipstick mark that had imprinted itself on my hankerchief.

"Mai isse dhul kar aapko wapas krdungi." She said while looking at me with guilt.

"Aap aisa keh kar hume sharminda na krein." I took the hankerchief from her hands and gave her an assuring smile.

Not to sound creepy but this piece of cloth had her lipstick mark on it and damn me if I was ever going to wash it.

I think my sudden confession of making her my wife shocked her way too much.

"I will be going now. Good night." Without waiting for my reply, Shivangi turned on her heels and went inside the building.

I watched her till she had gotten safely to her room.

6th floor, room number 108.

I turned around to leave and tucked my hands into the pocket of my jeans.

Looking up at the sky, a smirk formed on my face.

"Shivangi Chandravanshi, you will be mine. It is only a matter of time before you accept it."


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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