Chapter 4 : First Meeting

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With a swift gripping of Anant's collar, I slammed his face in the nearby wall.

Blood oozed out from his ears as a bruise had started to form on his forehead.Still gripping his collar harshly, I made him stand up on his legs, steadying his pathetic body.

Well, that tends to happen after you have been tortured for 24 hours without a break.
He may have got some broken bones and teeths here and there, not my fault that he wasn't willing to snitch about where his friend Rohan Sharma was hiding.

I brought his face closer to mine and he visibly shivered.

With a low and menacing voice, I spat out my words at him.

"Now, are you ready to tell where you friend is ? Or do you actually enjoy getting beaten to a pulp." Anant gulped in fear.

"That would be a weird fetish, I must add." Devansh, one of the closest person that I have to a friend, spoke as he smirked mischievously.

Ignoring his comment, I focused on the demon in disguise of a human, infront of me.

Anant Mishra and Rohan Sharma, the owners of a decent company are nothing but another 2 out of thousands of scums who walk on this planet without being punished for their sins.

I had initially decided to let them go inspite of them having not returned that millions of money which I had lent to them.

But as my men keep a close eye on people whom I invest with, they accidentally found out about what kind of monster we were dealing with.

Anant Mishra had literally tried selling off his 5 year old daughter, Amaira to some gangsters, so that he could save his company from going bankrupt.

Thankfully, my men made it to his place on time and stopped this sick act before things could get ugly.

Amaira was taken to my villa because as much as I trust Devansh and my men, that little girl wouldn't go near anyone but me.

Poor thing was too traumatized that she couldn't help but shake so much while such big fat tears fell from her doe eyes.

Only after did she fell asleep than I had let my own demon come to the surface.

From that moment, I had swore to make death painfully slow for both Anant and Rohan.

Rohan was missing since last week, reported to have ran away when the company had started falling apart.

It's fine. I will find him.

And I will make sure to influence the pain 100x more on him than he did on his family.

Subtly nodding to myself, I shoved Anant back with force which his weak body couldn't handle and that made him fall on his back.

Anant groaned in pain, the open blood wounds must have scratched against the rock hard floor.

The insane part of me still wasn't satisfied, Every time I looked at Anant, Amaira's image with her teary eyes and shaking body, would flash infront of me. Providing more fuel to the fire.

I looked down at my knuckles, they were covered in blood which of course wasn't mine.

I turned around to leave not before glancing at Anant's barely breathing body, I looked my guards who were stationed outside of his cell and said, "Patch him up. Call a doctor. He doesn't deserve a death as easy as this."

Saying that, I walked away with Devansh who was trying to catch up to me.


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