Chapter 44

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I walked down the hall looking for the room they told me he was in. Did I just call him my husband? I thought to myself, I wanted to scream at the fact that I called him my husband. When I found the room I knocked on the door lightly, there was no answer so I walked in. When I walked in I knew why I didn't get and answer, I had walked in on Kyle making out with the nurse. I murmured something that I knew that I could only hear, soon the door slammed open to reveal Bryan standing in the door. My eyes filled with tears as I watch Kyle and nurse making out. "Excuse me!"

I turned to look at Bryan, "Aren't you supossed to be tending to the papcient?"

The nurse turned to look at Bryan, and a smile came across her face. "I just thought since he was beaten to a pulp that he might want some tender lip to make out with."

"Well you better watch yourself." He spoke as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "You don't want to be caught by the wrong person."

"We'll you should go to the supply closet in an hour." She spoke as a smile spread across her face, she walked towards us. "Then you will see how I can best be caught."

"I would rather be caught dead and with my lovely girl friend, then be caught in a closet with you." He said as he looked at her with a glare and pulled me tighter to his body. I could hear Kyle snickering as he told her this, I looked at him with a death glare that said 'You will die'. His happy face turned to a sad one once he noticed my glare.

"Bethany, how did he get in here?" Bryan asked me as he looked from me to Kyle.

"He broke into my house, and I kind of beat him with a baseball bat." I said as I looked from Bryan to the floor.

"Wow, dude you aren't very smart." He said with a laugh. "She was an allstar softball player, she could hit the hardest. She got thrown out of a game once for beating up one of the other girls with her bat, because she was saying something to her."

Kyle laughed a little but then went back to being serious. "And since when have you and Bethany been going out?"

I stepped out of Bryan's arms and moved towards Kyle with my arms crossed. "That doesn't matter, it's not like you love me enough to care how I feel!"

"I do love you!" He said as he looked at me.

"Oh so you love me so much that you would hurt me?" I said as I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "To where on my birthday you leave me all alone with Kimberly and go to a hotel with Becca, then walk into Camellia's house and make out with her in the house? Then after I beat you up and I come to visit you, you love me just so much more I catch you with the freaking nurse!"

"You just walk in at the wrong times." He said as he looked at me.

"I walked in at the wrong time!" I screamed as I finally reached his bed. I raised my hand and before I could control my hand it hit his face. "I can't believe I even fell in love with you, you are one horrible father!"

"Beth, calm down." Bryan said as he walked back over to me, he grabbed my hands and put them to my sides and pulled me towards him. "Let me take you home."

I pulled away from him, and wiped the tears that were running down my face. "No, Bryan I am okay with going home by myself."

"Beth...." They both started to say but stopped when the room to the door slammed shut behind me. I walked down the hall and out the sliding doors and walked to my car. I got into my car and looked at my phone that I had left in the seat, I had seven missed calls from my aunt, four from Bryan, and ten from Fransisco. I called my aunt first.

"Bethany Kylie Way! where the hell are you?" My aunt said screaming into the phone.

"Sorry Aunt Laney, I was at the hospital." I said slowly into the phone and I looked out my window to find Bryan walking to his car.


"A friend of mine got hurt." I said as I watched Bryan pull out his cell phone and set on the trunk of his car.

"Well please come home."

"Okay I will be home in a little while I have to run to the school to turn in my forms." I said as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Okay." She said into the phone before she clhung up the phone. I got out of the car and walked up to Bryan.

"I am sorry." I said as I put my hand on his leg. he looked up from the ground and smiled at me.

"I don't blame you." He said as he closed his phone. "I would be mad to, he doesn't love you."

"I know I figured that out already." I said as I looked at him. "Come stay with me?"

"Sure." He said with a smile on his face. "I'll just follow you home."

"Yeah." I said as I smiled at him and walked to my car. "I have to stop somewhere first but then we will get home."

I got in my car and waited for him to do that same. I pulled out of my parking spot and he did the same, he followed me all the way to the school. He walked into the school with me, I handing my papers into the lady that was at the front desk and left with Bryan right on my heels. He followed me back to my house and walked inside.

"Who is this?' Xavier asked as he saw me and Bryan walk in.

"A friend." I said in a low voice.

"This the boy who got you pregnant?"

"N.." I started to sat but Bryan stopped me.

"Yeah, I am the guys who got her pregnant." He said as he looked at him.

"So your the stupid ass that got her pregnant and walked out on her?" Xavier asked as he stood up.

"Your the one that was stupid to turn your back on a wonderful girl who fell in love with you and you left her at the time she needed you most!"

Bryan started to reply but before a word came out Xavier's fist punched him in the face and before I would blink he was on the ground and Xavier was on top of him punching his face in.

"STOP IT!" I screamed and in ran my uncle and aunt. "XAVIER GET OFF OF HIM!"

"Xavier boy get off of him!" My uncle screamed as he pulled him off of Bryan. "Who is this boy?"

"This is the father of Kyle and Ricardo." I spoke lowly.

"Nice to meet you son." Said my uncle.

"Nice to meet you all too." Bryan spoke as he set up against the couch.

"Sorry about Xavier here." He said patting him on his back. "Where have you been?"

"Out with some friends in Vegas." He said lowly trying to cover up for Kyle. This is why I loved him so much, even though he wasn't the boys real father he was taking all the punishment my family was giving him even the stuff that wasn't punishment.

I helped Bryan off the floor and walked into the kitchen, to find Kyle playing in his food and Rico just sitting in his high chair. "Auntie, what is wrong with Rico?"

"I am not sure, he has been like that all day." She said as she made Kyle stop playing.

I looked at Bryan who was standing behind with horror in my eyes, I picked him up and put him in the car. Bryan jumped in the car with me before I started to drive away. Bryan and I pulled into the parking lot of Children's hospital and walked into the ER. The nurse took his name and told us to sit down. After about twenty minutes of sitting there and trying to keep myself from hyperventilating the nurse called us in.

The put Rico in a room and soon the doctor came in with a chart. "Mrs...."

"Way." I said lowly as I watched the doctor check over Rico.

"Mrs. Way, we are going to run a few tests on your son." The doctor said as he wrote down a few things on his chart and then walked out and in walked a nurse.

The took Rico out of the room and then brought him back about five times, I was freaking out. So many questions were going through my head, as I watched Rico slip away from me. The doctor walked back in with his chart and then looked between Bryan and I, "Mr. and Mrs. Way, your son has...."

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