The Tree

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Such a resplendent appellation, bestowed upon a realm embroiled incessantly in the tumult of warfare. Endless strife pervades as all races engage in perpetual conflict. But for what purpose? For dominion, renown, affection, or merely to assert dominance?





We shall remain forever unaware.






Perchance the intricacies of one's thoughts elude comprehension or articulate expression, yet what precisely does a war endeavor to attain?





In the distance looms a solitary figure, gazing upon the unfolding spectacle, as the ethereal purple flames voraciously consume the world.






"Tristan! Why do you persist in this course of action!? Why must circumstances unfold in such a manner!? I understand it is not solely your doing. We acknowledge it! Even I as her brother, I find myself unable to escape the burden of remorse. But what precisely is your aim in all this turmoil!? And for what purpose!?" The brother of Theresa. Theresis angrily yet questioningly asked


















The man clad in black armor spoke, leaving Theresis bewildered by his enigmatic words. Before Theresis could respond, the man in black interjected, his voice commanding. "No obstacle, not even you, shall deter me from my path. As her brother, surely you comprehend the necessity of my actions. Do you not see why everything I have done must be done?"



The man addressed Theresis solemnly, "Now, I offer you the chance to repent and stand with me to rescue Theresa. Theresis, there is no room for hesitation; we will have the power to alter both the past and the present." With outstretched hand, he implored, "Choose now, ally or adversary, for time is of the essence."



Theresis wrestled with temptation, drawn towards the man's offer, yet burdened by his duty to the world. "I regret," he began, his voice heavy with guilt, "as much as I yearn to stand by your side, the fate of the world outweighs a promise shrouded in uncertainty." Theresis's words hung in the air as the man in armor replied, his tone ominous. "This world teeters on the brink of oblivion. But if that is your decision, so be it." With a deliberate motion, the man in black conjured forth a sword imbued with a malevolent aura. Thus began their ultimate confrontation—former allies turned adversaries, brothers torn asunder by fate's cruel hand.

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