Clashing Ideal's

156 7 1

Theresa's POV

"No. This can't be the end."




In the midst of the horrifying scene before her, Theresa can only grasp one thought: witnessing her once beloved home slowly consumed by flames.




"Was the construct of my ideal misguided?"




"All I yearned for was the harmony of all races. Is such a fervent desire deemed excessive?"




Theresa's resolve wavered as she watched her efforts crumble into dust, each endeavor leading only to further devastation, until even the home she once cherished slipped through her trembling fingers, leaving her adrift in a sea of despair.





The battle that ravaged the land, unleashing destruction in its wake, swung back and forth like a pendulum of chaos.





Countless lives were lost, dreams shattered, and families torn apart. People of all ages, genders, and backgrounds perished.






But what was it all for?





"Why, why... WHY?!?! Why must this happen?!"






Theresa loudly exclaimed to no one, as she continued to watch the place she once called home crumble to ashes

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