Two Crown's different fate.

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Victoria central city(Londinium)





The city descends into ruin as its former appearance fades into the past.


The raging battle shook the entire city, turning it into ruins, as purple electricity and flames engulfed the entire country while the battle raged on.



How did things come to this?


Did something went wrong?


Then what is it?


Theresis gains a distance from Tristan. Nearly shrouded in wounds, he turns to behold his sworn brother, his countenance betraying a singular expression, discernible only upon his visage.









A sense of dread enveloped his heart, its every beat echoing in his ears. It was the sole emotion consuming him as he knelt on the ground, staring helplessly at the man poised to end him.





I Can't give up.



In the face of imminent death, Theresis finds his resolve not just for his people, but for the world. As black flames encircle him, a newfound determination surges within him, propelling him to stand despite his weakness. Every ounce of his strength fuels this final attack.




This is his final act




But is it really enough?

As he executes his final masterstroke, his sword becomes engulfed in swirling black flames, striking out towards Tristan. The force behind his art is so potent that it engulfs the entire country in an inferno of darkness, consuming all in its path.



As the smoke gradually dissipated, Theresis's eyes widened in astonishment. Before him stood a figure shrouded in black armor, completely unscathed by his relentless assault, not a single scratch marring the surface of the man's body. "Tristan you really are something...." Theresis can only muttered at the moment as Tristan slowly raised his sword and said ""If only fate had deemed to be kinder, this outcome might have been averted."





"As Tristan slowly dissipated the aether sword, he turned away, leaving the city in ruins. Theresis's upper body slumped backward while his lower half remained rooted in place."



"farewell, old friend."


With Theresis gone, all is left is to shake THE TREE and then to start anew.








In the precise locus where THE TREE stands, lies the shrouded expanse whence the genesis of the universe has burgeoned.



As Tristan walks straight towards THE TREE, limping because just his presence there could cost him his life. But is there really something left for him to live for?


"My dear Theresa, as I stand before you in this fleeting moment, know that every breath I draw is filled with purpose, for in your presence, I find my reason to fight. Though my time may soon expire, my spirit shall endure, a flame that ignites the path to a brighter tomorrow. In sacrificing my life, I offer it freely, knowing that in doing so, I protect the very essence of hope. Remember me not with sorrow, but with the strength to carry forth the ideals we hold dear. Farewell, my Dearest, may our journey continue beyond the veil of this existence."





"As Tristan reaches out towards THE TREE, upon coming into contact with it, a new branch sprouts on the tree, and slowly the leaves bloom. Tristan's hands slowly turn into stone, and soon into dust. A silver line can be visibly seen across his face as it also begins to crack. He says his final words, 'I finally saved you,' and so his body begins to turn into nothingness as his lingering regret finally comes to an end."


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