the party

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The living room pulsed with energy as the party unfolds . Soft golden lightning and colorful balloons created a warm ambiance. The sound system played upbeat music and the guest of all ages danced or chatted laughing and having a great time .

A delicious spread of finger food and refreshments was arranged on the coffee table, filling the air with savory and sweet armoras.
The room was filled with hum of conversations, clinking glasses and joyful shouts, creating a infamous and lively atmosphere.

Yet I  couldn't help feel out of place even if she was in her stunning dress that was flowing in floor length in a rich shade of emerald green gown . I was wearing a satin green jacket with a stubble leaf pattern that added a touch of sophisticated.

With a crisp white bloused with a delicate lace trim peeked out from beneath . My hair was styled in loose effortless waves and I  was wearing a delicate necklace.

I  was standing there with my  drink when suddenly Stacy my  best friends came from behind . " Having fun ? " she asked . " I wish I know this is my birthday party but I still feel out of place " I told her .

" You're just stressed out because your parents threw you a party without telling you " Stacy said and I knew she was right. " you are probably right " I told her sighing softly . " Of course I'm right now let's go and dance " Stacy said pulling Rose  to the dance floor .

While we were dancing i couldn't stop thinking about the forest. The forest fascinated me since she learned about it . I  went to the window and looked at the forest but nothing happened.

I  felt disappointed because i always know there is something there but never showed it . So i  went back to Stacy but before I  could do anything her parents gathered the people.

Knowing it was time to cut the cake but suddenly something moved outside. I  jumped from my  feet and went to the window looking for something new but found nothing.

She then unexpected went to the cake to cut it . It was a velvet chocolate cake that was stacked high , each one adorned with delicate edible leaves in shades of emerald green olive .

Once I  was ready to give out a guy bumped into me  . " Hey !! " she said but immediately closed my  mouth looking at the stranger .

His piercing gaze and chiseled features a mere glimpse into the depth of his soul . His dark hair in a straight yet handsome style . His perfect jawline and brooding  eyes .  " And who are you to say who I am " he said walking away out of the party .

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