the sight

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I  woke up the next morning, ready for school. As I  headed out, Jack grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?" I  asked.

"Sorry, I just wanted to give you something before you left," he said, placing a silver one-fang bracelet on my  arm.

"What's this for?" I  asked.

"It's for protection," Jack replied, releasing his grip.

I  left for school, but as I  walked, a faint voice in her head said, "Hello!" The voice was loud and clear, making it hard for me  to think. I  tried to shake it off and focus on getting to school.

When I  arrived, I  noticed a few students wearing wolf tattoos on their shoulders. "What the...?" I  thought, but before I  could wonder further, I  bumped into the man I  had met at my  birthday party. He walked past her, and she noticed a wolf mark on his arm.

"Weird," I  said to myself, walking off to class.

At lunchtime, me  and Stacy sat at our usual table, and I  overheard Isabella talking about the mysterious new guy in school. Just then, the door flew open, and in walked the guy I  had bumped into.

"I heard he's here for some girl, and I heard his name is Alexander," Isabella said.

Rose thought, "Typical Isabella, going for the hot guys." But then, the mysterious voice in her head chimed in, "You're definitely right about that!"

Rose was startled and almost fell off her seat. "Who are you?" I  asked in my  mind, but there was no answer.

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