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Jack suddenly ran towards me  grabbing my  wrist. " Hey what are you- " I  asked before my  brother interrupted " I'm looking for Alexander mark " he said.

" Mark ? What are you talking about  ? " I  asked.  " What he means by Alexander mark it means the Alpha marks his mate to show that he has a mate and that you belong to him " Luna said.

" Luna just talked to you didn't she ? " Jack asked me  . " How did you know  ? " I  asked. " Everyone in our pack has a wolf " my  father said . " But that doesn't matter what matter is you need stay away from Alexander  " my  mother said .

" And you can't tell anyone " my  father said sternly. " Not even Stacy ? " I  asked.  " Not even her " my  father replied. " How about we go and eat out , I mean let's celebrate because Rose found her wolf " my  mother said lifting the spirit.

" Yeah !!! " my  brother replied happily.  my  mother and father and brother walked before me  . Before I  could walk something caught my  eye . Outside the window at the edge of the entrance forest .

Was there a male silver wolf I  knew he was a male because it was in my  instant. I  went to the window getting a better view.

It was a majestic creature.  His thick fur glinting in the Moonlight sky . His yellow piercing eyes looking evilly. He had a silver fur coat . I  knew he was watching me  . I  immediately left the room so the wolf couldn't see me  but I h
had a feeling.

Maybe its the same thing that was watching me  on my  birthday party . " Luna do you know who is that wolf " I  asked Luna .

" I do know who he is but do you really want me to tell you ? " Luna asked. " Yes please " I  replied.

" The wolf who is watching us is ........ Alexander Stone " Luna said and my  eyes went wide open and I  stopped in her tracks .

the girl and the wolfWhere stories live. Discover now