The meeting

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I was standing at my locker next to Stacy wondering why Alexander would watch me . " It's so obvious " Luna said and I jumped . " Hey you okay " Stacy asked me knowing I jumped.

" Yeah just wondering about Alexander " I lied to her . To be honest I hate lying to Stacy she is like the sister I never had . But I promise my family I would keep Luna a secret. " You won't believe what I heard about Alexander " Stacy said .

" What " I asked immediately.  " Isabella wants to date him but he rejected her saying he wanted another girl so he came to this school to search for her " Stacy said to me .

Both me and Luna knew but Luna spoke up before I could ask " He is looking for us " Luna said " I guess his wolf sense our smell " Luna continues.

" Well I have to get going " Stacy said walking away . I decided I was going to walk to my class to so when I turned the corner someone pushed me against the lockers .

It was Alexander he was itches away from me . " I found you " He said and I got confused.  " What are you talking about ? " I asked trying to cover up a story for myself. " Don't lie to me !! " He said in an aggressive way .

" You and I know both we are mates " he continued . Suddenly the school bell rang and it was time to go to our class.

Before I could walk away he grabbed my wrist " One last thing , I won't stop hunting you no matter where you go I'll find you " He said . " Because you are MINE " he said in a growl .

He then released me and walked away and I was standing there surprised. " So we both agree we are going to stay away from him right ? " Luna asked me . " Yeah " I replied to her .

" So why do you think he was watching us yesterday ? " I asked Luna changing the subject.  " To be honest I think he was looking out for us making sure we weren't getting hurt " Luna replied and I laughed.

" Really you think Alexander the most dangerous Alpha of all packs would care for his mate  ? " I replied. " Maybe you never know " Luna said , Rose then walked to her class but she didn't know ....

Alexander was listening on her conversation " Do you really think we can change their minds ? " Alexander wolf asked him .

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