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Dan led me to the bed and, without warning, lifted me up, so I was sitting on it. I posted slightly at his sudden action.

"Sorry, I guess I should have asked you, but I don't think you would have managed to get up on your own." He laughed slightly.

I sighed, realising he was partially right. Whilst I probably could have made it onto the bed if I jumped a bit, I wasn't sure I would have made it over the railing as well.

"I'm just going to grab you some clothes." He stated as he walked to the wardrobe.

It was then I noticed that my bag was also on the bed. I still didn't know what was in it but didn't want to wait. I opened the bag and quietly gasped. It was my sketchbooks and art supplies. I'd kept them hidden in my room in case my dad decided to take his anger out on my room.

"Normally, we pack comfort items like teddy bears or blankets."

I looked up at Dan as he walked closer, putting down the clothes he'd selected

"I couldn't find anything like that in your room, but I found those stashed in the wardrobe, and they looked important."

I didn't miss the sadness in his voice as he mentioned my lack of comfort items, but I didn't care. I jumped up from where I was sat and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered a few tears falling from my eyes.

My sketchbooks were the only thing I'd ever felt any pride towards. When I'd felt helpless and like there was nothing I could do, I could always draw. The thought that I'd lose all that hard work hadn't occurred to me yet, but knowing I wouldn't was a huge relief.

Dan hugged me back, rubbing circles on my back as he let me cry. Once my tears stopped and I loosened my hold, he lifted me up and set me on the ground.

"Right then," He reached for the top he'd gotten "arms up."

"What?" I asked, confused

"Arms up." He repeated."It's time to get changed."

"But, I can do it myself. I'm not a baby."

"I know, but you are a little. Remember when I said it was a bit harder for humans to adjust to their roles?"

I nodded

"To combat that, we have to encourage that side of you. That means you need to let other people look after you."

I looked at him, considering his words but not fully convinced.

"I'll tell you what, if you let me dress you, I won't make you sit in a high chair."

I quickly put my arms up, letting him take off the pyjama top and replace it with a white t-shirt. He laughed as I did so, but I didn't care. It was the lesser of two evils. I continued to cooperate as he changed my bottoms for a pair of jean dungarees with a cat embroidered on the front pocket. I examined his choices as he put some black slip-on shoes on my feet.

"I know, I know." He said before I could speak."It's a bit childish, but hey, I could have put you in ."

I chose not to say anything in response, appreciating that he'd at least given it some consideration.

Satisfied with my silence, he led me over to the sofa, grabbing a piece of paper off the coffee table.

"Before we go, we need to go over the rules."

"Rules?" I ask

"Just a few things we need you to follow. You might not like some of them, but it's all to keep you happy and safe. OK?"

"OK." I sigh as he hands me the paper.

Rules for littles in SHB facilities

Little : Lucas
Temporary caregiver: Dan

1) The little must follow direct instructions given by caretaker unless valid reasoning for opposition can be given
2) Little must remain in sight of caretaker or other responsible adult at all times (excluding time spent in bed)
3) The little must eat 3 meals a day
4) The little must not engage in any fighting behaviour (kicking, punching, etc...)
5) The little must be honest with their caregiver and not keep secret

In case of misbehaviour, the temporary caregiver is not authorised to give physical punishments. They may issue:

Time outs
Writing lines
Revoking privileges

I looked up once I'd finished reading.

"Seem reasonable enough?" Dan asked

"Yeah, I guess." I replied. It didn't seem too bad it was just strange to have rules like this. It made me feel like a child, but I suppose that was the point.

"Alright then."

He stood up, taking the rule list with him. He placed it on the dresser and picked up a bag next to it.

"We're probably not gonna come back to this room for a little while. Do you want to take one of your sketchbooks with us?"

"Yes, please."

"Good manners, buddy." Dan said as he ruffled my hair, making my face turn red.

He retrieved a sketchbook and held it up for me to see. I nodded my head at his selection, too flustered to talk. The weirdest part was that I kinda liked the praise, I wasn't used to it, but it felt nice.

He offered out his hand, and I took hold of it as we left the room.

Their Marked Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now