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The playroom was what I expected, a large room with a few tables and chairs as will a big rug with toys strewn over them. There were also a few bean bags and bookshelves in one corner. A few people were spread around, but it was mostly quiet. Dan gently nudged me into the room and sat down on one of the chairs against the wall. I didn't want to leave him when there were other people around, but those beanbags looked so nice. I looked back at him, and he smiled, gesturing to the room. I was sure he wouldn't go anywhere, so I plopped myself down on a bean bag and opened up my sketchpad.

It was nice being able to just sit and draw. I didn't have to worry about anyone barging through the door in a drunken rage or if there would be food in the cupboards. It was to feel a sense of piece. I continued my drawing in content until it was done. I looked up for the first time since I started but soon became confused.

Dan wasn't there.

I looked around the room to be sure, but he wasn't there. My breathing quickened as my mind spiralled.

Where did he go?

Did he leave me behind?

Was he coming back?

Before I realised it, I had started quietly crying.

"Oh no, what's wrong, sweetheart?"

A woman I didn't know knelt down next to me, making me cry harder. My head was feeling fuzzy, and all I wanted was for Dan to come back. The woman placed a hand on my knee and gently shushed me.

"It's alright. Who are you here with."

"D-Dan." I mumbled out between tears.

The woman looked around before getting up.

"I'll be right back, sweetheart."

I watched as she walked to the door, opening and calling out to somebody. She stepped out of the way as Dan rushed in.

"Lucas?" He asked."Oh buddy, what's wrong."

He knelt down.

"Y-you left me." I cried reaching for him.

He lent forward, taking me in his arms and standing up with me on his hip.

"I'm so sorry, Lucas. I just stepped out to take a call. I promise I was gonna come back." He rubbed slow circles on my back, walking us out to the hallway.

My crying turned to sniffles as I sunk into his hold. I wasn't sure why I'd reacted the way I did, but my head still felt weird.

"Dan? " I asked.

"Yeah, bud?" He responded using tissues to wipe my face.

"My head feels funny. It's all fuzzy."

"That means you're between headspaces."

I tilted my head in confusion

"Your mind is trying to regress and go little, but it's not quite there yet. Don't fight it, bud."

I nodded, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes, feeling exhausted.

"Don't go sleep, Lucas, we still need to get some dinner in that tummy." He bounced me up and down as I whined.

He walked back into the now empty  playroom, picking up his bag and placing my sketchbook in it.

"Do you want to walk to the canteen or be carried?"

"Carried." I answered, not moving his head from his shoulder.

When we git to the canteen I immediately noticed it was louder than before. There had been no one else in there when we went for our late lunch, but now it was full of people.

I buried my head deeper into Dan's neck as he began the process of putting food on a tray. Once he was done, he walked us to a less busy table and tried to put me on a chair, but I tightened my grip on him. He sighed gently but sat down with me on his lap.

"C'mon bud, it's time to eat." He carefully moved me, so I was facing the table.

I whined slightly as I picked up the fork. I picked at the pasta on my plate, eating a piece here and there's, but mostly just pushing it around for a while.

"Lucas, you're meant to eat the food, not play with it." Dan lightly scolded once he'd finished his own meal.

"Not hungry." I responded, placing the fork down and leaning backwards into his chest.

"Just a bit more, please." He pleaded, but I shook my head.

He picked up my fork and held it to my mouth, I pursed my lips and turned my head away.

"Come on, Lucas, I'm sure your daddies won't let you get away with eating so little."

"Daddies?" I asked, Dan taking the opportunity to force the fork into my open mouth.

"Yes, Daddies." He replied, loading some more food onto the fork. "We've let them know their mates here, and I'll tell you more if you keep eating."

I pouted at his attempt at bribery but opened my mouth in defeat.

"There's a good boy," He smiled as he continued to feed me.

"Two of your Daddies already met a live with each other, but the other lives in a different community. They're gonna head over tonight and should get here in the morning. They'll meet each other and talk about the next steps before coming to meet you and figuring out when they can take you home."

I turned my head away as he offered me another bite, I was too full to eat another bite. Dan looked at the plate, seeing it was more than half empty.

"Good job, Lucas, you did so well."

He began placing the dishes back on the tray.

"Do you think you can wait here whilst I put these away?"

I looked down at my lap, not wanting him to leave again.

"I'll be just over there," He pointed." You can watch me the whole time."

"OK," I reluctantly agreed, "but come back quick."

He nodded, sliding me off his lap and into a chair. I nervously watched him as he gathered the dishes and walked away. I didn't take my eyes off him for a second, so I was absorbed in the task that I didn't notice my thumb finding its way to my mouth.

He walked back, smiling at me.

"All done." He spoke but stopped as he noticed my thumb.

"That's icky Lucas, we don't put fingers in our mouths, alright?" He asked, pulling my hand away.

"OK." I answered sadly, already missing the comfort it was giving me.

He reached into his bag, clearly looking for something.

"Here, try this." I didn't have time to respond as he placed a pacifier in my mouth.

My cheeks burnt a deep red as I reached to take it out, but Dan caught my hands in his before I could.

"Hey, if you don't want it, I won't force you to use it, but if the reason is because you're embarrassed, then don't be. Everyone here is learning to be happy and embrace their inner selves, and for some of them, that means pacis and highchairs." He spoke encouragingly as he lifted me into his arms, turning me to see the room full of people. Some were dressed normally eating in grown-up chairs off of normal plates, but some were dressed like me. I saw one girl with pigtails and bows in her hair sitting at a highchair as a woman, dressed in the same uniform as Dan, fed her. She looked happy.

I lowered my hands as Dan released them and used my tongue to feel the pacifier before giving it a hesitant suck. It felt nice, soothing even. I decided to keep it in, for the moment, anyway.

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