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Disclaimer: this chapter is a bit spicy just a bit of spice nothing too much 😝

Tiara's POV
I woke up with a banging headache as I tried recalling what happened last night. OMG I tried to kiss him I felt the temperature rise as I remembered.

I heard my phone ringing snapping me out of my thoughts. It's my sister

"Ahhhn sister mi(my sister)" I started as I picked up the call hurriedly, I had missed my sister so much.

"Bawo ni tiara(how are you tiara)" she replied with a happy voice matching my excitement. "O was fe pe wa bayi bo she ti de UK(you don't even want to call us again as you reached the UK)" she said trying to tease me.

"Ko ri be oo mo kan busy ni(it's not how it seems I'm just busy)" I replied with wide smile on my face. "Bawo wo ni mummy ati gbogbo ara ile (how is mummy and everyone in the house)" I enquired.

"O wa oo(they're all fine) she replied.

"Mo ti miss gbogbo yin oo(I've missed all of you)" I said as I felt tears threatening to spill I had really missed my family.

"A ti miss e na(we have missed you too)" she said trying to comfort me but I could hear the thickness in her throat. "Ma soro si e later, odabo(I'll talk to you later bye)" she said.

"Kosi wahala odabo(no problem bye)" I replied with my shaking voice as I hung up.

I got up and started getting ready for school when Kat called me.

"Heyy babe" she said in a low voice definitely having more to say, "I'm really sorry for leaving you yesterday, although I did not regret what I did later that night" she finally said as I could hear her smiling.

"It's alright, I saw Carl so I wasn't mad" I said smiling knowing my statement would get a reaction from her.

"Girlllll for real? how did he know where you were" she started in a high pitched voice. That's the reaction.

After I explained everything that happened the previous night to her was very excited to know more.

"So when is your next date?" she asked abruptly.

"Kat!!" I exclaimed because she was having too much fun.

"Okay fine fine, but don't forget I'm here for your makeup" she said slyly and hung up. I chuckled and finally started getting reading for school.

I quickly put on a casual hoodie and joggers pairing them with my white Nike and left the house, I heard my phone ping as I was locking up and saw the it was from my school group chat.

Medical students gc💉🤕
Jace: you guys there will be no classes today because there was a break in at school.
Luke: what how did it happen OMG
Maddison: Christ I hope everyone was okay

Uh the fake sympathy starts, well I guess it sucks that there's no school today we're a bit behind on some of our courses. Oh well.

I went back in, changed into comfortable clothes and lay back on my bed, I decided to message Carl since I didn't have anything to do.

Me: hey Carl, you busy?
Carl🌸: hey princess, I'm a bit busy sorry
Me: oh that's alright
Carl🌸: how about you come visit me at my office?
Me: are you sure your boss won't complain
Carl🌸: nah he's a nice person 😂
Me: oh okay no problem I guess I could come visit
Carl🌸: cool I'll send the address I'll be waiting 😉
Carl🌸: Address: xxx xxx COMPANIES, just tell them your name I'll make preparations.
Me: okay no problem see ya

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